Send us a textIs hustle culture burning you out right now? Are you feeling anxious, exhausted, and overwhelmed by work on a weekly basis? Risa Williams talks to DJ, podcast host, and journalist, Gabby Sanderson, about navigating burnout recovery from hustle culture. Gabby shares her experiences working in diverse industries in different countries. They discuss growing your own awareness and understanding of what burnout feels like to you, so that you can catch it before you get lost in it for...
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Send us a textIs hustle culture burning you out right now? Are you feeling anxious, exhausted, and overwhelmed by work on a weekly basis? Risa Williams talks to DJ, podcast host, and journalist, Gabby Sanderson, about navigating burnout recovery from hustle culture. Gabby shares her experiences working in diverse industries in different countries. They discuss growing your own awareness and understanding of what burnout feels like to you, so that you can catch it before you get lost in it for...
Send us a textIs hustle culture burning you out right now? Are you feeling anxious, exhausted, and overwhelmed by work on a weekly basis? Risa Williams talks to DJ, podcast host, and journalist, Gabby Sanderson, about navigating burnout recovery from hustle culture. Gabby shares her experiences working in diverse industries in different countries. They discuss growing your own awareness and understanding of what burnout feels like to you, so that you can catch it before you get lost in it for...
Send us a textDo you want to find more creativity in everyday life but get stuck figuring out what to do or how to start? This is the episode for you! Risa Williams and Hilary Kern discuss easy ways you can start to embrace creativity throughout regular life, especially for those out there who feel like they've lost touch with creativity or don't think of themselves as "artistic types." How can we begin to use art as a way to get inspired and find the playful and fun sides of ourselves more i...
Send us a textDo you have trouble decluttering because you can't decide what to get rid of or where to start? Do you get stuck on organizational projects because all those little decisions are just way too overwhelming? Risa Williams welcomes back influencer/organizer Deanna Yates to the show, and they discuss easy and practical ways we can learn to navigate overwhelm and decision fatigue when it comes to decluttering and organizing our stuff.They discuss:-How decision fatigue wears us down a...
Send us a textHappy New Year, everyone! We made it to 2025 - and that's just wonderful! Joining Risa Williams are special guest co-hosts: Erica Curtis, Trevor Stockwell and Tšhegofatšo Ndabane, and they dive deep into figuring out how you want to spend your time and energy during the new year ahead.In this conversation, they discuss:-How to get intentional about who you want to be this year-How to connect the dots by looking back across last year to see what you've learned and gained-How to s...
Send us a textHow do we find the strength and focus to get through creative projects without giving up? Risa Williams speaks to author and actor Andrew Lawston about creative persistence and different tools we can use when we want to give up halfway through creative projects. They discuss their work together on the new audiobook, The Ultimate Self-Esteem Toolkit, the process of making it together, and they. also share a short excerpt from the book.In this episode, they discuss:-Finding accoun...
Send us a textDo you sometimes lose control of your emotions? Do you often feel overly frustrated or angry about little everyday things? Then, this episode is for you! These days, who doesn't need a little help with emotional regulation? Dr. Catherine Smith talks to Risa Williams about practical skills from DBT (Dialectical Behavior Therapy) that anyone can use to start to become more aware of how to regulate their emotions and frustration each day.They discuss:-The STOP technique for gaining...
Send us a textDoes perfectionism sometimes hold you back from getting things done? In this episode, Risa Williams talks to classical pianist superstar, educator and performer, Alpin Hong about the role that perfectionism plays in procrastination, especially when it comes to the creative and performing arts. They also discuss how high-achievers can sometimes get in their own way with tasks they need to do.They discuss:-How we get in our own way with our self-talk-The roots of perfectionism-How...
Send us a textWe're celebrating the release of "The Procrastination Playbook" today - it's in stores now! Erica Curtis and Risa Williams discuss super sneaky ways procrastination and task avoidance can catch us off-guard in everyday life such as, "Halfway Drift," "Procrasti-breaks," "Waiting for Motivation," "Avoidance Cleaning," and "Prioritization Problems" from Risa's new book.They talk about:-Things we tend to do when we are avoiding doing tasks-Procrastination "warning signs"-Getting nua...
Send us a textDoes procrastination sometimes sneak up on you and catch you off-guard? Do you find yourself wondering how so much time has gone by and meanwhile, you haven't even started that project that you really wanted to do? In this episode, Risa Williams and Trevor Stockwell discuss "Sneaky Forms of Procrastination" from Risa's upcoming book, The Procrastination Playbook. How does procrastination affect us in subtle ways throughout everyday life that we might not even be aware of?They di...
Send us a textIn this special episode, book author, Stoicism expert, and psychologist, Dr. Scott Waltman, discusses Practical Stoicism, and ways we can adopt stoic principles into our everyday lives. Risa Williams and Dr. Waltman discuss Socratic Questioning as a therapy tool, where Stoicism and mindfulness intersect, and how we can find ways balance with our own judgement and emotional states.They discuss:-The teachings of Socrates and Epictetus-Where people tend to get confused with Socrati...
Send us a textADHD and procrastination tend to go hand in hand, and on this episode, Ryan Muldoon and Risa Williams discuss the subtle ways procrastination can sneak up on people with ADHD. Self-protection can be a sneaky type of procrastination where we feel like we're protecting ourselves from a particular outcome, whether that's failure or success, and perfectionism is a subtle way we keep ourselves from trying or starting something new.They discuss:-How people with ADHD sometimes avoid do...
Send us a textHow do you know if the procrastination you're doing is healthy or unhealthy? On this episode, Risa Williams and Trevor Stockwell discuss healthy procrastination vs. unhealthy procrastination. When is procrastination a form of healthy task prioritization and when does it tip over into task avoidance instead? It's "Overcoming Procrastination" month on The Motivation Mindset to help celebrate the launch of Risa's new book, The Procrastination Playbook, which is in stores November 2...
Send us a textDoes your work/life balance need some adjusting so you can connect more with feeling done and taking a real break? Risa Williams talks to time management coach, Georgie Bryant, about balancing out work, life, family, and rest times each week. We look at how people can burn themselves out by forgetting what's fun to them and things that they are looking forward to on their calendar ahead, and how to take small steps to bring things back into better balance.They discuss:-George's ...
Send us a textAre you feeling a lot more stress now that it's September? Is the Fall cranking up the work stress, the school stress, the family stress for you? You're not alone! Risa Williams & Erica Curtis look at September Stress in this episode, and practical ways we can navigate the fall months ahead.They discuss:-Normalizing and acknowledging the stress we're all feeling this season-Showing yourself more compassion for all the different layers of stress you might be feeling right now...
Send us a textAre you looking for ways to bring down the stress in your everyday life? Have you been wanting to try out meditation but it just seems too "hard" or "intimidating" to quiet down your mind for long stretches of time? Meditation expert Jeff Patterson, author of The Yielding Warrior, talks to Risa Williams about the different types of meditation we can learn to do, and how to start in an easy way with developing your own meditation practices.We discuss:-Different types of meditatio...
Send us a textWhen it comes to getting organized or tackling organization projects, do you freeze up with overwhelm? Do you feel shut down, do you start to procrastinate, or do you feel that avoidance starting to take over?Risa Williams and Erica Curtis are here to help with some simple strategies to navigate our nervous systems when they go into "fight or flight" mode over everyday tasks we need to do.We discuss:-Different states of nervous system activation-Executive functions and what happ...
Send us a textIn this special episode of the ADHD Toolkit, Risa Williams & Ryan Muldoon talk about learning ways to find your focus when you have ADHD. They discuss using The Task Intensity Meter from Risa's book, The Ultimate Time Management Toolkit, removing distractions, and figuring out workarounds for your own unique brain.They also talk about:-How acknowledging what tasks are hard for you helps you navigate them-How we can take small actions to help ourselves out more-Removing daily...
Send us a textDo you struggle to get enough exercise in your everyday life? Do you know you need to move around more but find yourself sitting down a whole lot? Risa Williams talks to Run Walk Talk Founder, Sepideh Saremi, about how we can get more movement into our daily life and how we can lighten up on ourselves when we get too extreme about fitness.They discuss:-The brain benefits of movement-How we're designed as humans to process things through movement-Easy ways to get started moving a...
Send us a textDo you struggle with hearing feedback about your creative work? Does receiving critiques make you want to run away and hide? Do you often procrastinate solving problems that people point out with your artistic work? Then, this episode is for you! Risa Williams talks to artists/therapists, Erica Curtis and Hilary Kern about how we can receive feedback and criticism in a healthier way, and how to channel what we hear back into creative energy again.They discuss:-The difference bet...
Send us a textDo you struggle with acknowledging your own accomplishments and letting yourself feel proud of things you done on a chronic basis? Do you feel like you are "fraud" when people give you compliments about things you've done? In this episode, Risa Williams talks to imposter syndrome expert, Stevon Lewis, about what imposter syndrome is, how it feels to have it, how it's often tied to perfectionism, and how it affects our ability to feel good about things we're doing. They also...
Send us a textIs hustle culture burning you out right now? Are you feeling anxious, exhausted, and overwhelmed by work on a weekly basis? Risa Williams talks to DJ, podcast host, and journalist, Gabby Sanderson, about navigating burnout recovery from hustle culture. Gabby shares her experiences working in diverse industries in different countries. They discuss growing your own awareness and understanding of what burnout feels like to you, so that you can catch it before you get lost in it for...