What if I told you that your green waste bin was a waste of time?
What If I told you that all the fertiliser you spent money on was unnecessary. What If told you that most people who call themselves gardeners are possibly better described as miners.
Really!? You might say. Surely not miners…
It's sadly true. Most of the methods used in conventional gardens are either backwards or completely void of anything remotely natural.
You see, plants don't belong in bins or want to be shipped off to a site other than the soil in which they grow. Plants do just fine without being sprayed or doused with different synthetic soups.
Annnd unfortunately most gardeners are taking away a lot more precious minerals than they put into their plots.
Fortunately, none of this is necessary.
The garden you tend to is much closer to a forest than you think.
You know Forests? Those giant guilds of great trees and swathes of understory shrubs and vines that sprawl vast distances that make any vineyard look laughable. Yeh. Forests are what your garden wants to be like.
What else do we know about forests?
Forests are touted as being carbon sinks, right? Giant vacuums of potent VOCs and greenhouse gases like methane and CO2.
If you treat it right, your garden can become a highly valuable carbon sink as well.
In this book, I'll show you how.
I’ll also show how to grow regeneratively. How to start an engine that produces all it needs and creates more fuel for your garden and face than you’ll ever know what to do with.
Then, I’ll show you what to do with the abundance.
Let's create a carbon garden.
----------- @mr.betteridge
Dr. Martin Freney has spent the past decade+ invested in the concept of the Earthship.
Inspired by books written in the 1980s by Michael Reynolds - founding father of the eco-home movement, Martin dove headfirst into this solutions-based construction niche in search of a better way to steward our planet.
After living in, building, and studying Earthship design he decided to go all-in and base his Ph.D. Thesis on the movement in an attempt to legitimize the field scientifically.
His work in; Earthship Architecture: post-occupancy evaluation, thermal performance, and life cycle assessment - has contributed significantly to the field of Earthship Biotecture both scientifically and practically.
Now leading the push of Earthships being constructed by Solarpunks all around the Australian Country, Dr. Freney's Earthship - 'Ironbank' commodores this fleet. Its role as a demonstration sailing off the grid with him as the captain, along the plains of our sunburned country, is more important than most people think.
It's no wonder he's responsible for the education, design, and construction of the vast majority of Earthships here in Australia. As you will hear in our conversation - this SolarPunk knows what he's talking about.
You can find Dr. Martin Freney's work, research and news on upcoming events hosted at Ironbank @
Justin is a small-scale regenerative agriculturist, looking after a number of parcels of land in the southern highlands of Sydney. Inspired by hands-on experience and the no-till market gardening methodologies of the ever-inspiring Charles Dowding, Justin has set out on a hero's journey to bring nutrient-dense food to the community in a regenerative manner.
Not only is his farm responsible for the growth of organic produce that goes on to nurture the bellies of beautiful human beings, but he's also on a mission to teach others and connect interns with their own parcels of land. Small scale ag as he explains is the way forward for the future of our families and friends.
Doubling as an educator, this farmer has his hands full, trying to ensure that this vision of regenerative food production scales. Land-care or land-share is key to this as Justin leverages an ever-growing network of people who know of his market gardening prowess and connects them with trainee Duckfoot farmers.
Justin's SolarPunk narrative reminds us of just how logical the no-till regenerative farming approach is to the stewardship of our entire earth system. With little to no inputs, using bio-intensive methods on small-scale plots, he demonstrates regenerative connections between feeders and eaters. Helping to restore balance to the biomes on which we rely upon.
You can follow Justin's important work and follow his SolarPunk story on the gram @duckfoot_farm or find out more about his work at
Shubhendu is a special human being with an inspiring story. After attending a lunchtime workplace presentation, his life took a sudden U-turn away from the manufacturing of cars on a Toyota production line, towards the entrepreneurial pursuit of earth and people care via afforestation. For it was this chance event that Shubhendu was introduced to the Japanese biologist Dr. Akira Miyawaki, originator of the self-titled Miyawaki Method - a scientifically informed approach to reforestation that boasts hyperspeed germination rates.
Shubhendu's meditations on the Miyawaki method have been documented extensively online via a number of TED talks and conference presentations, collectively viewed tens of millions of times. As he realised the method's potential through multiple case studies and project iterations, his company Aforestt have now decided to share their hard-earned technical data in the open-source spirit that every D.I.Y dude and dudette dreams of - freely via their website @
In this meandering conversation, we explore the significance of trees in the evolution of our species on a spiritual level and how they have influenced our thinking about what it means to be a cognisant creature on this planet we call home. We also talk and discuss his perspectives on the argument for using native over non-native species, specifically within the context of forest growing. On top of this, we explore the problems with large afforestation projects and the carbon narrative that converts their sequestering abilities into commodities causing seemingly large planting projects to become large tree plantation problems.
**For more details on the SolarPunk Permaculture Podcast & Projects, follow me on the gram @mr.betteridge
Laura is a woman on a mission. In my mind, she is a true SolarPunk. Fed up with the snail pace speed of development seen in the city of Sydney, in which we both reside, Laura has taken on the seemingly impossible project of retrofitting her Newtown workers cottage and turning it into an urban off-grid oasis. Seeking to use 'The Impossible House' as a demonstration of what can be achieved in the heart of our cities, she has embarked on a complex journey of design and construction synergy. Spending her surplus time coordinating with various architects and tradespeople, Laura has managed to corral a team of skilled individuals from future-thinking organisations in an attempt to make the impossible, possible. I feel this won't be the last time we hear from Laura, as the adventure she has embarked upon has a lengthy future. Thankfully she is happy to share her learnings with us as it is her intention to develop a template for anyone looking to live and thrive in the SolarPunk cities of our hearts desire. You can follow her journey on the gram @theimpossiblehouse and on her feature website
Aaron is a Permaculture and Highschool Educator with an inspiring and eclectic story. Having worked as a mental health nurse for a decade, he found himself searching for answers for the people in his care. Who would've guessed the answers would be found in the deserts of Jordan, w/ Permaculture heavy hitter; Geoff Lawton. Additionally, through the now 18-year-old 'Living Classroom Project', Aaron and his colleagues are drawing students into engaging living and learning spaces by drawing them outdoors on true, tangental learning tours. In this fascinating conversation, we discuss the super healthy Hunza people, his experience helping to re-green the desert, the richness and "informality" of Project-Based Learning, his hand cultivated Permaculture demonstration site, Chad the chicken and Captain Planet. You can observe Aaron's array of educational videos on the tube @ Lulu's Perch and follow his journey on the gram @lulus.perch.permaculture.