What if I told you that your green waste bin was a waste of time?
What If I told you that all the fertiliser you spent money on was unnecessary. What If told you that most people who call themselves gardeners are possibly better described as miners.
Really!? You might say. Surely not miners…
It's sadly true. Most of the methods used in conventional gardens are either backwards or completely void of anything remotely natural.
You see, plants don't belong in bins or want to be shipped off to a site other than the soil in which they grow. Plants do just fine without being sprayed or doused with different synthetic soups.
Annnd unfortunately most gardeners are taking away a lot more precious minerals than they put into their plots.
Fortunately, none of this is necessary.
The garden you tend to is much closer to a forest than you think.
You know Forests? Those giant guilds of great trees and swathes of understory shrubs and vines that sprawl vast distances that make any vineyard look laughable. Yeh. Forests are what your garden wants to be like.
What else do we know about forests?
Forests are touted as being carbon sinks, right? Giant vacuums of potent VOCs and greenhouse gases like methane and CO2.
If you treat it right, your garden can become a highly valuable carbon sink as well.
In this book, I'll show you how.
I’ll also show how to grow regeneratively. How to start an engine that produces all it needs and creates more fuel for your garden and face than you’ll ever know what to do with.
Then, I’ll show you what to do with the abundance.
Let's create a carbon garden.
----------- @mr.betteridge