Shubhendu is a special human being with an inspiring story. After attending a lunchtime workplace presentation, his life took a sudden U-turn away from the manufacturing of cars on a Toyota production line, towards the entrepreneurial pursuit of earth and people care via afforestation. For it was this chance event that Shubhendu was introduced to the Japanese biologist Dr. Akira Miyawaki, originator of the self-titled Miyawaki Method - a scientifically informed approach to reforestation that boasts hyperspeed germination rates.
Shubhendu's meditations on the Miyawaki method have been documented extensively online via a number of TED talks and conference presentations, collectively viewed tens of millions of times. As he realised the method's potential through multiple case studies and project iterations, his company Aforestt have now decided to share their hard-earned technical data in the open-source spirit that every D.I.Y dude and dudette dreams of - freely via their website @
In this meandering conversation, we explore the significance of trees in the evolution of our species on a spiritual level and how they have influenced our thinking about what it means to be a cognisant creature on this planet we call home. We also talk and discuss his perspectives on the argument for using native over non-native species, specifically within the context of forest growing. On top of this, we explore the problems with large afforestation projects and the carbon narrative that converts their sequestering abilities into commodities causing seemingly large planting projects to become large tree plantation problems.
**For more details on the SolarPunk Permaculture Podcast & Projects, follow me on the gram @mr.betteridge