In our opening chatter we talk about how our week has been. What’s on Our Timeline? Today's timeline comes to us from Dr. Umar via Jericho Builders via Latreulatay. This actually is a very interesting topic of conversation. And the angle in which Dr. Umar addressed this, it's kind of biblical, kind of worldly. It's very interesting. Let’s Talk Through It Our first friend says she has been in a situation with a guy who she knows plans to propose to her soon. At first, she was super excited. He's a mechanical engineer for an airline, so he makes really good money and travel perks are amazing but She’s wondering if he will be what she needs in the bedroom. . Our other friend says she picked the wrong guy. In grad school, she was seeing two guys pretty consistently. One was the love of her life since childhood. He was a virgin, so I kind of let it fizzle out. She was also seeing a young man that she went to grad school with. He was super dreamy, suave, had great sex, and checked all of the boxes so she married him. 10 years later, he is running a large company, but he also has a really bad cocaine habit. While he is a functioning addict, so you don't really know unless you know him, many things...including the sex, have just become awful. She wants to know is it wrong to try to go back with Ex even though she chose her husband over him? Until we meet again. Pray! Work! Slay! And Show Off Your Melanated Excellence!
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