Send us a text What do you do when your child talks about aliens or UFOs and they are too young to know anything about the topic? Alien Abduction expert therapists Barbara Lamb and Mary Rodwell answer this and other questions. Such as: how to find the right therapist, and what steps you take to become an abduction therapist. From there, the conversation goes into the darker side of things with the phenomena known as Milab, when a military group conducts an abduction on a contactee in a...
All content for Universal Disclosure Podcast (UAP / UFO Disclosure and our Belief Systems, Spirituality) is the property of UAP Investigator Mike and Reverend Stu and is served directly from their servers
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Send us a text What do you do when your child talks about aliens or UFOs and they are too young to know anything about the topic? Alien Abduction expert therapists Barbara Lamb and Mary Rodwell answer this and other questions. Such as: how to find the right therapist, and what steps you take to become an abduction therapist. From there, the conversation goes into the darker side of things with the phenomena known as Milab, when a military group conducts an abduction on a contactee in a...
Send us a text What do you do when your child talks about aliens or UFOs and they are too young to know anything about the topic? Alien Abduction expert therapists Barbara Lamb and Mary Rodwell answer this and other questions. Such as: how to find the right therapist, and what steps you take to become an abduction therapist. From there, the conversation goes into the darker side of things with the phenomena known as Milab, when a military group conducts an abduction on a contactee in a...
Send us a text UFO Lobbyist Stephen Bassett makes a case for President Donald Trump making an announcement for UFO Disclosure in the near future. Representatives Mace, Luna, Burchett and others have been pushing things along behind the scenes and it sounds like the big Presidential UFO Disclosure Announcement is being teed up. ... Chapters: 0:00 Intro 2:32 Show Start 4:33 Stephen Bassett joins the conversation about Presidential UFO Disclosure from Donald Trump 5:06 Psionic and Sp...
Send us a text We respond to a listener comment claiming we are deceiving people and pulling them away from God with our conversations. Perhaps this short conversation is the elephant in the room nobody wants to address. But we will! Join us for another exhilarating talk most people are afraid to have. No chapters in this one because it's only 21 minutes. :) Ad free Patreon Community: Find out more a...
Send us a text In this conversation we explore why UFO Disclosure will not happen the way you want it to and talk about how it actually happened already. And because of that, Mike floats the idea to go around the Government and host an “Intergalactic Town Hall Meeting”. Rev. Stu offers an opposing view of this idea and we talk it out. What will we decide? Listen to find out! Chapters: 0:00 Why is the Big “D” UFO Disclosure not happening? 18:46 Leading the leaders, they will ...
Send us a text We talk directly with Mantis Alien Beings through Toni Ghazi's channeling. In this conversation we ask many questions from the difficult to the more superficial (because they are all relevant and important). Join us in this amazing interaction that will absolutely open your mind, awareness and understanding in ways you are not expecting. You may also find ease with these answers to the more "frightening" ideas some people have. Chapters: 0:00 Intro 2:51 Show ...
Send us a textBarbara Lamb, Psychotherapist, specializing in Alien Abductions talks about some cases and common themes among those who encounter non-human entities from elsewhere. We learn that abductions can happen in the day and with a group of people, not just at night, alone!Barbara also talks about 'walk-ins' and has co-written a book with a walk-in, named Sheila Seppi. Chapters: 0:00 Intro3:48 Show Start6:22 Barbara Lamb enters conversation7:04 What started Barbara's int...
Send us a textDid you ever wonder how the intelligence community really works and who they work for? Daniele Irandoost, an intelligence expert explains how these organizations operate and some of this is pretty dark. Rev. David William Parry is here for this conversation and provides his own input on the subject. Chapters: 0:00 Introduction05:22 Guests join the show05:33 Who is Daniele Irandoost?07:48 Who is Rev. David Perry?17:02 Compromise & blackmail 21:19 Intelligence ...
Send us a text We talk about where the conversation will be focused next year and review what we learned this year. UAP / UFO disclosure continues to trickle out with more speed and impact than ever before. But what happens after the Official Confirmation takes place? What do we talk about then? The answer is easy to state but hard to grasp: Alien Contactees - What have they been shown, what were they told? We intend to find the common threads and invite the collective to activel...
Send us a text3 UAP Field Investigators break down what is happening and the most likely scenario. Also talk about the real UAP sightings being overshadowed by the New Jersey and New York Drone show. Mike brings in Ann and Robert, 3 MUFON Field Investigators talk about the drone sightings happening in New Jersey and New York and in other areas of America as the real UFO / UAP sightings are happening simultaneously, but much less reported upon. Before jumping to conclusions due to la...
Send us a text NASA disclosed their UFO Classification System to the Knights Templar. Timothy Hogan closes the Great Pyramid to conduct initiations in the Kings Chamber. The Vatican tries to steal artifacts from a Templar Vault, and much more is talked about in this illuminating conversation with Timothy Hogan, Grandmaster of the Knights Templar. Templar images are revealed at the end with the Templar Anthem arranged by Mike. Chapters: 0:00 Intro 7:34 Timothy Hogan Enters...
Send us a text UFO Field Investigator for MUFON talks about what it's like to do the job. In this conversation Reverend Stu talks with MUFON UFO Field Investigator Mike about what it's like to be a UFO Field Investigator. Mike talks about common themes and some statistics, together with sharing a few quick general accounts of cases he has personally investigated. ... Chapters: 00:00 Introduction 02:28 Hosts join show 03:44 What is MUFON? 04:49 Becoming a MUFON investig...
Send us a text Stephen Bassett provides his commentary and thoughts about the Nov. 13, 2024 UAP / UFO Hearing in Washington, D.C. In this conversation we welcome back Stephen Bassett, UFO Lobbyist in Washington D.C. to hear about this thoughts of the most recent UFO hearing to date. From there, we ask Stephen some additional questions and talk about some interesting things everyone should hear! ... Chapters: 0:00 Intro 7:55 Yes, I was in the room for the UAP Hearing 9:59 Was Dani...
Send us a text In this conversation UFO Investigator Mike and Reverend Stu talk about the current State of the UFO / UAP Disclosure process happening right now in Washington DC. With a new UAP Hearing scheduled for November 13th, 2024. Mike and Stu talk about the following found in the chapters below: ... 00:00 Intro 02:45 Hosts join show 03:47 Show agenda 05:31 Disclosure Day 10:40 UAP Congressional Hearing - Nov 13 11:52 Mike is summoned to Court! 19:42 Esoteric gr...
Send us a text In this special Halloween Episode we speak again with Reverend David William Parry and explore the Occult / UFO Connection. Our conversation gets so dark at one point, the robust internet connection suddenly severs completely. Is it a coincidence? You be the judge. So sit back, buckle up and join us on this spooky journey. ... Chapters: 0:00 Introduction 06:30 Rev. David joins the conversation 06:46 Tell us about Halloween 19:17 Participation in exorcism? 27:...
Send us a text This is a previously removed section of our conversation with Rev. David William Parry talking about the extraterrestrial connection between L. Ron Hubbard, Alister Crawley and Jack Parsons (NASA / JPL). Who is lam? Is it the same as the Grays? Is Magic real? These are some of the questions we address here. ... Chapters: 0:00 Intro 05:34 Rev. David joins the conversation 05:36 Jungian shadow work, trauma & foo fighters 11:32 Crowley, Hubbard & Parsons...
Send us a text In this conversation we talk with UFO Lobbyist, Stephen Basset, from Washington D.C. Stephen goes over the big picture and provides his projection for the next 90 days as it pertains to UAP / UFO Disclosure by the US Government. We also talk about the DEFCON Level and Doomsday clock. Most people are likely not aware of the current DEFCON level in the world or various areas of the planet and/or the extra terrestrial connection to nuclear war. This episode is packed with i...
Send us a text In this conversation we talk with Ms. Tania Vassie, the primary witness to the Westall UFO mass sighting event in Australia, that took place in 1966. Tania only recently started talking about the event publicly, and we are honored to share some time with her as Tania confirms some facts and clears up some possible mysteries about what happened on that day. ... Chapters 0:00 Introduction 0:06:07 Tania joins the conversation 0:08:43 Favorite song or musical art...
Send us a text This is a brief announcement for Global Disclosure Day, hosted by the New Paradigm Institute. It is a free online event October 20th, 2024, from 1:00 pm - 3:00pm Eastern Standard Time. You can register for this free event at this link: Find out more about this and other episodes at
Send us a text In this conversation Paul Hynek talks about his father's (Dr. J. Allen Hynek) involvement in Project Blue Book, and about Neil Armstrong requesting to sit with the Hynek Family on a cruise after going to the moon. As the conversation continues, Paul talks about his interest in Ufology and the areas he is looking into, and we also talk about what the likely market reactions would be to a Capital D "Disclosure" event. ... Paul Hynek Interview chapters 0:00 Intro 07:18 Pau...
Send us a text What do you do when your child talks about aliens or UFOs and they are too young to know anything about the topic? Alien Abduction expert therapists Barbara Lamb and Mary Rodwell answer this and other questions. Such as: how to find the right therapist, and what steps you take to become an abduction therapist. From there, the conversation goes into the darker side of things with the phenomena known as Milab, when a military group conducts an abduction on a contactee in a...