Stephen Zedler joins us on this episode of the TBRI Podcast to talk about his experience in applying TBRI in the classroom. He also shares his personal journey with TBRI.
Links from this episode:
What is mindfulness and how does it impact our relationships? Geoff Nelson joins the podcast today to talk about the importance of bringing mindful awareness to every interaction.
Check out our free downloadable resource on mindfulness here!
Today on the podcast, KPICD Team members Kari Dady, Geoff Nelson, and Amanda Purvis to talk about self-care. They discuss their successes and struggles with caring for themselves and also provide practical tools for implementing self-care.
Check out our free download on self carehere!
Play is an essential part of TBRI, but it's often the first thing to go out the window when things get stressful. In this episode of the TBRI Podcast, Kari Dady joins to talk about the different play personalities and how play can be used to forge meaningful connections.
Links from this episode:
Samantha Farris joins us on the podcast to talk about seeing the needs of children and youth through trauma-informed neurodevelopmental assessment.
Dereje Zeleke of All God's Children International joins the podcast to talk about supporting vulnerable children and families in Ethiopia using TBRI.
Links from this episode:
Follow Dereje: LinkedIn | FacebookKimberly Glaudy joins us to discuss how we can best support teens and young adults who are struggling with thoughts of self-harm and suicide through trust-based relationships.
We're kicking off the 20th year of the KPICD with Season 10 of the TBRI Podcast! On today's episode, Sarah Mercado and Emmelie Pickett talk about the evolution of KPICD through the years and share memories of Dr. Karyn Purvis.
Show Notes:
Dr. Angie Proctor joins us to talk about her recent work with youth and young adults transitioning out of foster care.
Links from this episode:
Boys and Girls Country of Houston
Angie’s Book: When Self-Care is a Dirty Word
Today our guest is Ana Lucia Cornejo. Analu is a TBRI Practitoner and holds a master’s degree in Clinical Psychology and Has worked with vulnerable children and families through private practice and NGOs. She currently works for CAFO Research Centre as the Liaison for Latin America and for OneTree, a Life Action independent partner focused on the care and development of Great Commission leaders in mission and ministry. She serves as a member of Peru por los Niños committee, an alliance of Organizations that advocate for every child to live in a family.
Linked References from this episode:
On this episode of the TBRI Podcast, we hear from Lucinda Miles, who is the TBRI Program Director for Volunteers for Youth Justice (VYJ) in Shreveport, Louisiana. Lucinda shares about her work with VYJ, specifically in family court settings, and also about her work in educating inmates at Caddo Correctional Center in TBRI. Be sure to listen all the way to the end of the episode where we added a bit of bonus content about the wonderful results of TBRI Training at Caddo Correctional Center.
Links from this episode:
Today we're chatting with Gaby Garcia, the Director of Community Development for OC United in Fullerton, CA. Gaby shares her journey to TBRI and the variety of ways she is applying it through her work with OC United - from after school programs to domestic violence support groups.
Links from the Episode:
In this episode, Amanda Purvis stops by the podcast to talk about the global impact of TBRI and implementation across cultures.
Ask a question or leave a comment.
Amanda's previous episodes:
Cindy Lee, LCSW is back on the podcast to talk about her work with families and individuals impacted by FASDs, and how TBRI is applied uniquely with this population. Cindy and our host Sarah Mercado walk us through the three sets of TBRI Principles, Empowering, Connecting and Correcting, and discuss how TBRI might be adapted to best meet the needs of a person impacted by FASD.
Ask a Question/Leave a Comment About This Episode
Linked References:
- Cindy's Previous TBRI Podcast Episodes: here and here
- Jude Caddidy - Truth Lies & Intimacy Article ( four skills for meaningful relationships)
- Trying Differently Rather Than Harder (book)
- FASD Success (podcast, videos, courses)
In this episode, Troy McPeak joins us to continue the conversation on the TBRI Responsive Strategies. This time we're looking at the TBRI IDEAL Response and Levels of Response and how it looks to use these strategies with teens.
We're kicking off Season 9 of the TBRI® Podcast with a deep dive into the TBRI® Responsive Strategies. In this episode, Kari Dady walks us through the TBRI® IDEAL Response and Levels of Response as an approach to address behaviors.
Links Referenced in this Episode:
Today we have a special bonus episode that has become canon for the TBRI Podcast. Kayla Rabb and Sarah Mercado discuss the impact of racism on the 5 B's as a form of trauma.
Links from this episode:
We're wrapping up season 8 of the TBRI Podcast with a "meet the trainer" chat with Geoff Nelson. Geoff is a Regional Training Specialist with KPICD.
Links mentioned in this episode:
We're back with a demonstration of a TBRI Nurture Group! Be sure to stick around for the end for a special performance art piece all about Nurture Groups.
Links from this episode:
Today we're breaking down one of our favorite topics: TBRI Nurture Groups!
Katie Rinaudo joins us to talk about the why behind nurture groups, the structure, and practical tips for implementation.
Join us next week for part 2 of this conversation where we demonstrate a TBRI Nurture Group.
Here are the links mentioned in this episode:
Truth, Lies & Intimacy Article by Jude Cassidy (Four Skills of Healthy Relationships)