This week Paige Kowal from Ducks Unlimited Canada joins Brendan to talk about Delta Marsh, an over 18,000 hectare freshwater coastal wetland in Manitoba. Delta Marsh is important habitat to migratory birds, native fishes, and has been impacted by the introduced Common carp. Not only that, Delta Marsh has important cultural and economic connections to the region.
Over the last 50 years Ducks Unlimited Canada and other organizations have been experimenting with techniques and projects to protect the wetland. Paige discusses some of the history of this work, what the modern carp exclusion techniques look like, and the science the team is doing to showcase the recovery of the wetland, including protecting native species.
You can see more of Paige and her colleagues work here: .
The work we discussed today can be found in more detail in these publications:
Fish Assemblage Responses to the Exclusion of Invasive Common Carp (Cyprinus carpio) from a Large Freshwater Coastal Wetland, Delta Marsh, Manitoba
Migrating Ducks and Submersed Aquatic Vegetation Respond Positively After Invasive Common Carp (Cyprinus carpio) Exclusion from a Freshwater Coastal Marsh
Improvements in water clarity and submersed aquatic vegetation cover after exclusion of invasive common carp from a large freshwater coastal wetland, Delta Marsh, Manitoba
Remember: Ducks Unlimited, more than just about ducks!
We're looking for your stories about a time you were stuck in the lab, field, airport, or somewhere else during the Holiday Season! Did you miss a Thanksgiving dinner because you were counting fish eggs? A Christmas event because you were 200 miles from the nearest telephone on the ocean? Stuck in an airport and missed the ball drop with friends and family? We want to hear from you! Give us a brief summary of who you are, what holiday event you missed or were late for, and a bit about your project you were working on. Send in your audio clips to or call in to 712-525-0668 and leave a voice mail.
Get in touch with us!The Fisheries Podcast is on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram: @FisheriesPod Become a Patron of the show: podcast shirts, hoodies, stickers, and more: as always to Andrew Gialanella for the fantastic intro/outro music.
The Fisheries Podcast is a completely independent podcast, not affiliated with a larger organization or entity. Reference to any specific product or entity does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation by the podcast. The views expressed by guests are their own and their appearance on the program does not imply an endorsement of them or any entity they represent. Views and opinions expressed by the hosts are those of that individual and do not necessarily reflect the view of any entity that those individuals are affiliated in other capacities (such as employers).
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