If you take a look through time you will come to the realization that we are all the same, but different... let me explain.
Ever imagined what the very first modern humans would have saw on their journeys in late Pleistocene Africa? Well imagine no further, here's the answer!
Also stay tuned for a special guest on this episode...
To keep it short... Australia has no chill and had no chill...
7,000 years ago something happened that was so severe that it permanently left a scar within our DNA...
We all love and know the T. rex, but have you ever asked yourself, where did it come from, and what ruled before it? Well.. here's the answer.
To scrape by back in the old days you had to be extremely tough, but as these 9 Fossils show, sometimes being among the toughest animals to ever exist, still gets you nothing but a painful ending.
When you go swimming in the ocean or seas, the last thing you want to swim into is a shark... but what happens when everything is a shark?
Ice age Europe wasn't exactly the most welcoming of places...
When you think of the biggest and baddest group of animals to ever live, you likely imagine the dinosaurs. And why wouldn’t you? They were the largest land carnivores and herbivores to ever live. So, it may then surprise you that dinosaurs were actually at one point in their existence ruled by a much less famous group of animals…
We usually think that dinosaurs, namely theropods, are scary based off of how big they were. And while this can be true to an extent, size can sometimes be deceitful, as there was a secretive family of theropods that once existed, which proved that sometimes its not really the big ones you need to fear.
The hardest game ever is the one we are forced to play & that's life, and within it their seems to be a number that only 1% make it past, which begs the question...why?
"Am I cooked?" - Cro-Magnon (c. 26,000 BCE)
Water, especially deep water, a big no no for many. And this is for good reason, but once upon a time, the oceans and seas of Earth were actually pretty chill, so how did it go so wrong? When was Thalassophobia born?
Hobbits have cozy lives right? True, until you put them in the real world and on an island with giant reptiles, then you got yourself some brutally awful experiences.
Some 150,000,000 Years Ago, before the Bull Shark, the Great White, or the Megalodon, there was... the Pliosaurus
We all go through ups and downs in life, but for this particular human species, it was only downs.
Santa Claus had some competition during the Late Cretaceous...
In Lion King, Scar used an army of Hyenas to try and uh..."remove"...Simba, but as we know, this didn't turn out so great for him, well I am here to tell you that things would have panned out quite different, if he had just hired this prehistoric Hyena instead.
Of the 31 extinctions (give or take) that life has faced, you may have only been taught in school about the kt event, aka the extinction that took out the dinosaurs. And you might've been led to believe that it was the worst day for life ever... you've been lied too.
Before the killer whale, or the barracuda, or even the great white, there was the king of lizards, or rather a whale, that looked more like a mosasaur or snake than any whale you or me is familiar with.