This episode we look at Port Jackson Sharks! We discuss what to do if you find a shark egg, and News regarding Cuttlefish and sharks in Northern Florida.
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This episode we analyze Sharknado for shark accuracy as well as accuracy with the weather, acting, and parenting evidently.
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This episode we look at Lemon sharks (the most requested shark), Spinner Sharks that do really spin, and what we know of the extinct Edestus, we have more tooth whorls!
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This episode we discuss the bluntnose Sixgill, Starry Smoothhound, and Blacktip Reef Sharks. These are some of my favorite sharks although I try not to have favorites... Or do I?
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This episode we discuss the greatness of the Great White Shark, the magnificence of Megamouth Sharks, and the luxurious Leopard Sharks!
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I watched 47 Meters Down to discuss the accuracy of the sharks in the movie, and add in my own opinions on the film as well.
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This episode we look at the surprising Salmon Sharks, How sharks are being helped by organizations, and News from California and Florida!
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Please donate to hurricane relief funds if you are able:
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This episode we look at the Angel Shark, how to help an injured or beached shark, and news from Brazil, Belize, and New Zealand!
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This episode we incorrectly call this year 2025 repeatedly, discuss shows from Shark Week and Shark Fest, and I discuss my time spent at Shark Con!
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This week we look at the extinct Helicoprion! How to navigate a shark density issue, and News from South Africa, Australia, and Florida!
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This episode we dive into JAWS! and the accuracy of sharks portrayed in the movie. The results could surprise you!
Be sure to checkout Insects for Fun! Hosted my Mitch!
This episode we take a deep dive into Bramble Sharks, examine how to respect sharks in aquariums (and other animals as a whole) and News from California, and North Carolina! Come Take a dive!
This episode we take a dive into lanternsharks, look at how to respect sharks while swimming or diving, and news from New Brunswick and Palm Beach!
This week we take a dive into the depths of the Greenland Shark, talk about what you can do in your everyday life to protect sharks, and News from Kentucky, and Australia!
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This episode we talk about Basking Sharks, how to be safe while kayaking, paddle boarding, and participating in other water sports, as well as News from Kenya and South Africa!
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This episode I provide my opinions on how I felt the Discovery Shark Week and National Geographic Shark Fest events went this year. Disclaimer neither event has sponsored me to do this and my opinions were not influenced by either side in any way.
In this episode we talk about the Beautiful Bamboo Sharks, how to safely dive with sharks, and News from the UK, Florida, and New York!
This week we look at the history of the Megalodon shark, how to help someone who was bitten by a shark, and News from California and New Hampshire!
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This episode we look at Frilled Sharks, how to remove a fishing hook from a shark without losing a finger, and News from California and the Bahamas!
This episode we talk about the Angular Roughshark, discuss ways to keep a shark from biting your boat, and News from California, Florida, and a new species out of Australia!