A show about plants as viewed through the lens of evolution and ecology with a side of neurotic ranting, crass humor, occasional profanity, & the perpetual search for the filthiest taqueria bathroom.
Plant ecology, systematics, taxonomy, floral chemistry, biogeography and more.
Joey Santore was a degenerate railroader for 15 years during which he taught himself Botany by reading textbooks and research papers in the cab of the locomotive while stealing time from work. He has traveled to 11 different countries studying plant communities. He is the host of the YouTube channel Crime Pays But Botany Doesn't and the host of the show Kill Your Lawn on EarthX TV.
All content for Crime Pays But Botany Doesn't is the property of Tony Santore and is served directly from their servers
with no modification, redirects, or rehosting. The podcast is not affiliated with or endorsed by Podjoint in any way.
A show about plants as viewed through the lens of evolution and ecology with a side of neurotic ranting, crass humor, occasional profanity, & the perpetual search for the filthiest taqueria bathroom.
Plant ecology, systematics, taxonomy, floral chemistry, biogeography and more.
Joey Santore was a degenerate railroader for 15 years during which he taught himself Botany by reading textbooks and research papers in the cab of the locomotive while stealing time from work. He has traveled to 11 different countries studying plant communities. He is the host of the YouTube channel Crime Pays But Botany Doesn't and the host of the show Kill Your Lawn on EarthX TV.
Rants about the Araucaria forests of Nahuelbuta and Conguillo, Chile : Towering, 1200 year-old Araucaria araucana trees with an understory of Nothofagus pumilio, dombeyi and obliqua; thigmonastic, moving stamens in Loasa acanthifolia; Chusquea and new world bamboos; Mutisioid composites, biogeographyband plant distributions that are a result of both Gondwanan Breakup and amphitropical bird migration patterns, and more.
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Crime Pays But Botany Doesn't
A show about plants as viewed through the lens of evolution and ecology with a side of neurotic ranting, crass humor, occasional profanity, & the perpetual search for the filthiest taqueria bathroom.
Plant ecology, systematics, taxonomy, floral chemistry, biogeography and more.
Joey Santore was a degenerate railroader for 15 years during which he taught himself Botany by reading textbooks and research papers in the cab of the locomotive while stealing time from work. He has traveled to 11 different countries studying plant communities. He is the host of the YouTube channel Crime Pays But Botany Doesn't and the host of the show Kill Your Lawn on EarthX TV.