Today we welcome back friend of The Bird, Mr David Clay, as we discuss that one time China tried to eliminate all the sparrows in their nation. Did the plan work, were there unforeseen consequences, is this another tale of human folly? Almost certainly. Join us as we look at another strange avian story from history.To support Bird of the Week and gain access to our second podcast, What's up with that's Bird's Name? click on through to Patreon: birds in your i...
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Today we welcome back friend of The Bird, Mr David Clay, as we discuss that one time China tried to eliminate all the sparrows in their nation. Did the plan work, were there unforeseen consequences, is this another tale of human folly? Almost certainly. Join us as we look at another strange avian story from history.To support Bird of the Week and gain access to our second podcast, What's up with that's Bird's Name? click on through to Patreon: birds in your i...
Today we welcome back friend of The Bird, Mr David Clay, as we discuss that one time China tried to eliminate all the sparrows in their nation. Did the plan work, were there unforeseen consequences, is this another tale of human folly? Almost certainly. Join us as we look at another strange avian story from history.To support Bird of the Week and gain access to our second podcast, What's up with that's Bird's Name? click on through to Patreon: birds in your i...
Bird of the Week special announcement: there is a baby on the way so there's no better time to talk about Storks and what they have to do with baby delivery. Where did that myth of the Stork bringing babies to expectant parents come from? Well, today we are going to find out.To support Bird of the Week and gain access to our second podcast, What's up with that's Bird's Name? click on through to Patreon: birds in your inbox? Drop me a line at weekly.bird@outlo...
In our follow up episode on avian flight we dive deeper into the question of how birds get into the air. In part two we look at the machinery birds have and the physiological attributes they needed to make a flapping wing work. But do we answer the question, 'how do birds fly?', almost certainly not.To support Bird of the Week and gain access to our second podcast, What's up with that's Bird's Name? click on through to Patreon: birds in your inbox? Drop me a ...
Flying is basically the most defining thing about what birds do, and yet I've never really spoken about it. Well no more, today we begin the mission to figure out how exactly birds fly. We will begin in the long past and look at the evolutionary journey from lizard to bird, as I refuse to answer the question: how do birds fly. But then I guess that's Part 2 will be for?To support Bird of the Week and gain access to our second podcast, What's up with that's Bird's Name? click on through to Pat...
Wow, does this podcast even release episodes anymore? Yes it does, and we are back with Albatross, renown as some of the biggest birds in the world. Majestic birds of the open ocean, clumsy buffoons on land. What is it that makes them special? We find out in this episode. To support Bird of the Week and gain access to our second podcast, What's up with that's Bird's Name? click on through to Patreon: birds in your inbox? Drop me a line at weekly.bird@outlook....
I'm sure we've all heard some fun facts about birds, a duck's quack won't echo, an Ostrich sticks its head in the sand when threatened. But is there any truth to these statements, or are they straight up lies?Well on this episode we dive into 5 famous bird myths, break them do and see if there is any truth to the rumours.To support Bird of the Week and gain access to our second podcast, What's up with that's Bird's Name? click on through to Patreon: birds in ...
Who among us hasn't thrown a chip at a seagull or a slice of bread at a duck? Feeding birds is a wonderful way to interact with our feathered friends. Except, if we do it wrong we could literally kill them with kindness. So what are the dos and don'ts of feeding birds? Well good news, we look at the worse consequences that can occur, and how to do it right so everyone is happy.To support Bird of the Week and gain access to our second podcast, What's up with that's Bird's Name? click on throug...
Eagles are majestic animals, fearsome apex predators that hunt large prey. But then their is that one Kite that only eats snails, the Snail Kite. Today we meet an odd ball bird, and find out how they're adapting to survive in a changing world.To support Bird of the Week and gain access to our second podcast, What's up with that's Bird's Name? click on through to Patreon: birds in your inbox? Drop me a line at and I'll hook you up with ...
Flamingos are kinda freaky. They are a pink, stork-like bird that eats algae and feeds its chicks blood red milk. What is going on with that? Luckily we will be digging into these questions in this episode, to join me as find out a couple of fun facts about Flamingos.To support Bird of the Week and gain access to our second podcast, What's up with that's Bird's Name? click on through to Patreon: birds in your inbox? Drop me a line at a...
I recently visited New Zealand, and I had a great chance to see some of their unique birds and travel the country a little. And I came away from the trip with a few impressions about their birds and the environment that I wanted to share. So slightly different, more personal account than the usual, but hopefully will still be of some interests and entertainment. To support Bird of the Week and gain access to our second podcast, What's up with that's Bird's Name? click on through to Patreon: w...
We interrupt our usual format to bring you a slightly different episode. It's an Australian bird quiz, pretty straight forward, play along at home and see how you go.To support Bird of the Week and gain access to our second podcast, What's up with that's Bird's Name? click on through to Patreon: birds in your inbox? Drop me a line at and I'll hook you up with a free weekly bird.Links:Eastern Rosella:
In the last episode we said there were no parrots in the United States of America. But that was only a half truth. A better truth would have been to say that once upon a time there was a parrot, the Carolina Parakeet that went extinct about 100 years. And in its place today there is an invasive species, the Monk Parakeet. So what is the story of these two birds, why did one die while the other has thrived? Today we are going to try and find out.To support Bird of the Week and gain access to o...
Have you been hankering for a cracker, well has polly got one for you today as we look at Parrots. This is a big old family of birds, so join me as we do a speed run of parrots and find out what these birds are all about.To support Bird of the Week and gain access to our second podcast, What's up with that's Bird's Name? click on through to Patreon: birds in your inbox? Drop me a line at and I'll hook you up with a free weekly bird.Not...
This will be a different episode. I have also had a strong association between my grandmother and Budgerigars, she owned one and gifted me one of my own for my sixth birthday. So this episode will be part memoir, part eulogy, part ... Budgerigar discussion...? Maybe not one for everyone, but let's give it a spin.To support Bird of the Week and gain access to our second podcast, What's up with that's Bird's Name? click on through to Patreon: birds in your inbo...
Sadly our world is not populated with magical unicorns. But what we lack in horned horses we make up for with horned birds. Join me this week as we meet one of the strangest birds, the avian equivalent of the unicorn, the Horned Screamer.To support Bird of the Week and gain access to our second podcast, What's up with that's Bird's Name? click on through to Patreon: birds in your inbox? Drop me a line at and I'll hook you up with a fre...
In the 1960s the United States of America lost a unique sub-species of bird when the Kennedy Space Centre was developed as part of the space race. Today, Australia is on the cusp of repeating this history, with the home of the endangered Southern Emu-wren being earmarked for the development of a launch site. Until 2 February 2024 public submissions are open on the site's proposed development. To help protect the Emu-wren visit Birdlife Australia and use their form to voice your opposition: ht...
So if it's one thing we know people are good at it's making other things go extinct. We are living during one of the great mass extinct events. But every now and again, we come across a bird that was thought to have gone extinct, only for them to be rediscovered, sometimes hundreds of years later. Well, this year, we are going to meet three birds that were thought to be extinct only to be found alive and (not so) well many years later.To support Bird of the Week and gain access to our second ...
Last year New Zealand crowned the Puteketeke as their Bird of the Century. This raise a lot of questions: who has the authority to name a bird for the century, why is 2023 the year it happened, and what the heck is the Puteketeke? Join me in this episode to learn more and to find out how John Oliver made a dramatic entry to saw the vote in favour of an underdog.To support Bird of the Week and gain access to our second podcast, What's up with that's Bird's Name? click on through to Patreon: ww...
As we enter the festive season there is no better bird to feature than the European Robin. These bright little birds have an association with Christmas that extends way waaaaay back. So let's dive in with a short min Christmas stocking stuffer Bird of the Week special to find out what the deal is with Christmas and Robins.To support Bird of the Week and gain access to our second podcast, What's up with that's Bird's Name? click on through to Patreon: birds in...
The Night Parrot is known as one of the most elusive birds in the world. Between 1912 and 1990 there was no evidence that they lived, and even then it would be another 23 before a living one was even seen. But then in 2013, the Night Parrot was re-discovered to much fanfare. However, it later emerged that much subsequent evidence for their existence was falsified. Just what happened and why is a wild tale, so joy me as we tell the story of the Night Parrot.To support Bird of the Week and gain...
Today we welcome back friend of The Bird, Mr David Clay, as we discuss that one time China tried to eliminate all the sparrows in their nation. Did the plan work, were there unforeseen consequences, is this another tale of human folly? Almost certainly. Join us as we look at another strange avian story from history.To support Bird of the Week and gain access to our second podcast, What's up with that's Bird's Name? click on through to Patreon: birds in your i...