Hello listeners! Hope you all had a great holiday and are staying safe. In this episode, we talk about Butterflies - their evolution, behavior, migration and effects of global warming.
WWF 1 square foot campaign - https://www.worldwildlife.org/pages/one-square-foot
Have you wondered how ancestry testing services like 23 and me, Ancestry and Nat Geo work? Listen to our new episode to learn more
email us at bioscope dot podcast at gmail dot com
connect with us on Instagram at bioscope_podcast
We are back after a brief hiatus! Have you ever wondered how we inherit traits from our parents? In this episode, we dive into the concept of genes and ways in which traits are passed on from parents to children.
We love to hear from you. Follow us on instagram @bioscope_podcast
Shoot us an Email at bioscope dot podcast at gmail dot com
Happy earth day! In this episode we talk about the world's largest rainforest - a biodiversity hotspot.
UN's decade of ecosystem restoration: https://www.decadeonrestoration.org/join-movement
In this episode, we talk about why scientists want to resurrect the mammoths and its relationship to permafrost.
We love to hear from you. Follow us on instagram @bioscope_podcast
Shoot us an Email at bioscope dot podcast at gmail dot com
Hope you all had a great week! We are back with a brand new episode to talk about carbon footprint - ways to calculate it and methods to reduce our individual carbon footprint.
Carbon footprint calculator: https://www3.epa.gov/carbon-footprint-calculator/
We would love to hear from you!
email us at bioscope dot podcast at gmail dot com
connect with us on Instagram @bioscope_podcast
Hello peeps! Hope you all had a wonderful holiday. We are back after a hiatus with a series on Climate Change! This episode is climate change for dummies.
In the upcoming episodes, we will dive deep into the effects of climate change on different ecosystems and how we can help mitigate it.
email us : bioscope dot podcast at gmail dot com
Instagram: bioscope_podcast
In this episode, we discuss about the impact of humans and domestication on biodiversity and evolution.
In this episode, we discuss everything about Bananas, their origins, domestication, current cultivation methods and what the future holds for these nutritious fruits.
Let us know the varieties of bananas that you have tasted so far.
Follow us on Twitter / Instagram @BioscopePodcast
Email us: bioscope dot podcast at gmail dot com
Hello Peeps, this week we are going to learn about the hard working honey bees - Their evolution, behavior, unique habits and their rapid decline due to climate change.
I would love to hear your feedback!
@BioscopePodcast on Instagram and Twitter
Email us : bioscope.podcast at gmail dot com
In this episode, we discuss everything about our very own Crows - their behaviors, habits and extraordinary intelligence.
Experiment by BBC on crow 007 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AVaITA7eBZE&feature=emb_logo
I would love to hear your feedback! Connect with us on Twitter @BioscopePodcast or Instagram @BioscopePodcast
Email us at: bioscope.podcast at gmail dot com
In this episode, we dive into the world of squirrels - learn about their origin, their behavior and what we can do to protect them.
Squirrel obstacle course: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=squirrel+obstacle+course
I would love to hear your feedback! Connect with us on Twitter @BioscopePodcast or Instagram @BioscopePodcast
Email us at: bioscope.podcast at gmail dot com
In honor of the National Hummingbird Day (First Saturday of September) we will learn about the incredibly strong and determined Hummingbirds - their physical characteristics, personalities, origin and evolution.
How to create a hummingbird friendly yard: https://www.audubon.org/content/how-create-hummingbird-friendly-yard
Become a community scientist: http://www.hummingbirdsathome.org/
Tweet to us on @bioscopePodcast or reach out to us at www.bioscopepodcast.com with questions and comments
Follow us on Instagram @bioscopePodcast
I am so excited to launch Bioscope - a podcast for all nature lovers.
For more info, visit bioscopepodcast.com
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Email us info@bioscopepodcast.com