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Episode 94: Holly Cale: A Birds Eye View: Birds of Prey.
48 minutes 43 seconds
2 weeks ago
Episode 94: Holly Cale: A Birds Eye View: Birds of Prey.
Ninety Fourth episode incoming!!! I am very excited to welcome you to Holly Cale of The Horstmann Trust.
ZOOKEEPING 101 would like to welcome you to the birds eye view. A chance to see into the world of some our amazing feathery species and the incredible people who care, enhance and preserve these amazing species. This is an opportunity to get a closer look at Birds of Prey, what it takes to work with them and everything else in between, along with an amazing person in Holly. Please check out this episode and enjoy it as much as I had to record it.
Enjoy the podcast episode and please follow ZOOKEEPING 101 through facebook and instagram to be the first to hear about new episodes.