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Episode 89: Nature's Safe with Tullis Matson and Debbie Rolmanis.
53 minutes 18 seconds
1 month ago
Episode 89: Nature's Safe with Tullis Matson and Debbie Rolmanis.
Eighty Ninth episode incoming!!! I am very excited to welcome you to Nature's Safe with Tullis Matson and Debbie Rolmanis.
ZOOKEEPING 101 is proud to introduce Nature's Safe with Tullis Matson and Debbie Rolmanis. What a pleasure to have on such innovative, passionate and humble but truly revolutionary individuals in Tullis and Debbie representing and bringing to ZOOKEEPING 101 the amazing working ongoing at Nature's Safe.
Enjoy the podcast episode and please follow ZOOKEEPING 101 through facebook and instagram to be the first to hear about new episodes.