Today we're continuing our countdown of the Top 8 Fantastic Beasts of the Great Barrier Reef and Where to Find Them, with Master Reef Guide Tahn Miller. You won't believe some of the encounters he's had with today's animals!Follow Tahn on InstagramYOU CAN HELP Sign the Petition, asking the Australian Government for stronger policies to protect the Great Barrier Reef. Support Word on the Reef on Patreon Follow @WordOnTheReefPodcast on Instagram If you'd like to ask a question, be a guest on ...
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Today we're continuing our countdown of the Top 8 Fantastic Beasts of the Great Barrier Reef and Where to Find Them, with Master Reef Guide Tahn Miller. You won't believe some of the encounters he's had with today's animals!Follow Tahn on InstagramYOU CAN HELP Sign the Petition, asking the Australian Government for stronger policies to protect the Great Barrier Reef. Support Word on the Reef on Patreon Follow @WordOnTheReefPodcast on Instagram If you'd like to ask a question, be a guest on ...
12. Whale Season on the Great Barrier Reef with Dr Olaf Meynecke
Word on the Reef
47 minutes
8 months ago
12. Whale Season on the Great Barrier Reef with Dr Olaf Meynecke
Winter is an incredible time to see, hear, and even swim with whales on the Great Barrier Reef! But they also get up to some pretty weird things, and today we'll learn all about the secrets of whales from someone who has dedicated his life to studying them.Sign the petition to stop whale entanglements in shark nets Learn more about "Humpbacks and High Rises"Help whales with the Australian Marine Conservation Society's whale protection campaign.YOU CAN HELP Sign the Petition, asking the...
Word on the Reef
Today we're continuing our countdown of the Top 8 Fantastic Beasts of the Great Barrier Reef and Where to Find Them, with Master Reef Guide Tahn Miller. You won't believe some of the encounters he's had with today's animals!Follow Tahn on InstagramYOU CAN HELP Sign the Petition, asking the Australian Government for stronger policies to protect the Great Barrier Reef. Support Word on the Reef on Patreon Follow @WordOnTheReefPodcast on Instagram If you'd like to ask a question, be a guest on ...