Wind Is the Original Radio
118 episodes
1 day ago
This podcast series is aimed at helping us to connect to ourselves and to our earth by deep listening to natural soundscapes. Based on empirical evidence as well as numerous recent studies from all over the world, listening to natural soundscapes (particularly mindful listening) has a great positive impact on our wellbeing, and potentially on our respect for nature. However, these soundscapes are increasingly scarce as we humans continue to destroy the natural ecosystems which produce them.
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This podcast series is aimed at helping us to connect to ourselves and to our earth by deep listening to natural soundscapes. Based on empirical evidence as well as numerous recent studies from all over the world, listening to natural soundscapes (particularly mindful listening) has a great positive impact on our wellbeing, and potentially on our respect for nature. However, these soundscapes are increasingly scarce as we humans continue to destroy the natural ecosystems which produce them.
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Pinsapo Forest Dawn
Wind Is the Original Radio
30 minutes
7 months ago
Pinsapo Forest Dawn
Dawn chorus from a rare pinsapo (Spanish fir) forest in the mountains of Andalucia. Starting softly at first light, the song of a Eurasian Robin is the first to herald the new day. As the day brightens the songs of many other species fill the air. In the background the soft tinkling of bells can be heard from goats on a distant hillside. Recorded by Marc Anderson at Parque Nacional Sierra de las Nieves, Spain
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