Interviews exploring connections between people and wild plants, with botanist Jared Rosenbaum. Native plants, ecological restoration, field botany, foraging, herbal medicine, and more.
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Interviews exploring connections between people and wild plants, with botanist Jared Rosenbaum. Native plants, ecological restoration, field botany, foraging, herbal medicine, and more.
Episode 010 - Dr. Gerould Wilhelm, Botanist and Steward
Wild Plant Culture
1 hour 12 minutes 35 seconds
4 years ago
Episode 010 - Dr. Gerould Wilhelm, Botanist and Steward
This episode is with Dr. Gerould Wilhelm. Few people can provide such a deep long-term perspective on wild plants, ecological restoration, and human culture.
Jerry created the Floristic Quality Assessment method back in the 1970s. He’s written several floras of the Chicago area including the Flora of the Chicago Region: A Floristic and Ecological Synthesis.
Wild Plant Culture
Interviews exploring connections between people and wild plants, with botanist Jared Rosenbaum. Native plants, ecological restoration, field botany, foraging, herbal medicine, and more.