In our tenth(!) episode of "We're Not The Langs," a unique father-daughter podcast dedicated to exploring the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Lauren and Nate dive deep into the cinematic masterpiece that is "Captain America: The Winter Soldier." This iconic film has left a lasting impression on both of us, who share their enthusiasm for the thrilling action sequences, impeccable character development, and the surprising twist that redefines Bucky Barnes' role in the narrative. Join them as they dissect the intricate plot, discussing the moral complexities of the characters and their own favorite moments. Whether you're a longtime fan of the MCU or a newcomer, this episode promises to be a captivating exploration of one of the franchise's most beloved installments.
Tune in as Lauren and Nate's passion for the MCU shines through in their engaging discussion, highlighting the enduring appeal of "Captain America: The Winter Soldier" and its place within the larger Marvel universe.
On this episode of the We're Not The Langs podcast, we venture into the Marvel Cinematic Universe to discuss "Thor: The Dark World." While it might not be our favorite MCU installment, we have some surprising takeaways. Lauren shares how her perspective on the film has evolved over time, finding it to be somewhat "Lord of the Rings-ish." Nate, on the other hand, is starting to feel a bit worn out with the character of Thor. And don't get him started on the Thor sponge bath scene. And we dive into the complexities of Jane and Thor's relationship and ponder where the MCU will take these characters next.
Of course, it wouldn't be a Marvel discussion without some updates and news from the ever-expanding MCU universe. We also dissect some of the worst lines in the film and uncover those elusive Easter eggs that Marvel is known for.
Join us as we journey through the realms of Asgard and beyond, dissecting "Thor: The Dark World" and speculating on the future of our favorite Marvel heroes. It's a podcast episode that's sure to satisfy your MCU cravings.
Welcome to "We're Not Scott & Cassie Lang (but we do have a podcast about the MCU)"! In this episode, we dive into "Iron Man 3." Join Lauren and Nate as they explore the film's highlights, providing an entertaining and insightful analysis.
Lauren loves Pepper and her integral role in the Iron Man series and finds Tony Stark's journey and growth as a character fascinating and eagerly delves into his arc. And while Nate enjoys the concept of individuals heating themselves up to 3,000 degrees, he admits that the villains in this particular movie didn't quite hit the mark for him.
Throughout the episode, expect to hear engaging conversations and hilarious banter between Lauren and Nate. Their father-daughter chemistry and dynamic make this episode a fun one. So sit back, relax, and prepare for an entertaining and informative deep-dive into "Iron Man 3" with "We're Not Scott & Cassie Lang (but we do have a podcast about the MCU)!"
Welcome to "The We're Not Scott & Cassie Lang (but we do have a father-daughter podcast on the MCU)"! In this exciting episode, we dive deep into the iconic film, Avengers. Join us as we explore the thrilling team-up of Iron Man, Cap, Black Widow, Dr. Banner (aka the Hulk), and Thor, as they unite to take on Loki.
Prepare for a fun-filled discussion as we dissect the film, sharing our thoughts on whether it ranks as our all-time favorite in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. But that's not all – we also delve into the film's unforgettable score and discover what our co-host, Lauren, thinks of it.
With the action-packed storyline, we can't help but discuss our favorite character in the movie, revealing who stole the show with their heroic deeds and captivating presence. On the flip side, we also tackle the not-so-great aspects, including the worst line that left us scratching our heads.
But it doesn't stop there! We address a burning question that has been on our minds: what's up with Clint's (Hawkeye) sleeveless outfits? Join us as we dive into this sartorial mystery and attempt to unravel its significance.
So, if you're a fan of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, love discussing character dynamics, analyzing film scores, and have a keen eye for fashion choices, this episode is a must-listen. Tune in to "The We're Not Scott & Cassie Lang" as we delve into the Avengers and share our entertaining perspectives on this epic superhero ensemble.
In this episode of "We're Not Scott and Cassie Lang," Nate and Lauren dive into the first Thor movie, just in time for THORS-day. Nate is particularly excited to discuss the god of thunder's origin story and all the action-packed moments, while Lauren finds herself cringing at some of the film's cheesier lines.
As they delve deeper into the plot, Nate can't help but draw comparisons between Asgard's Rainbow Road and the famous track from Mario Kart. Lauren tries to steer the conversation back to the film's emotional core, particularly Thor's journey towards humility and learning to be a true hero.
Together, they break down the film's standout moments, including Thor's iconic hammer, Mjolnir, and his epic battles against Loki. And they both love Loki. As they wrap up their discussion, they reflect on the impact of the film on the wider Marvel Cinematic Universe and tease what's to come in future episodes!
Tune in to this episode of "We're Not Scott and Cassie Lang" for a lively and engaging discussion of the first Thor movie.
In this fresh episode, Lauren and Nate review the cinematically inspiring film, The Incredible Hulk. Will Hulk turn green? Will Banner find stretchy pants? And where in the world does this crazy (and early) installment in the MCU franchise fit compared to the other films? And was there a better angle on the Hulk character? We've got Easter eggs (Wolverine!), smashing worst lines, and general confusion about soda bottling plants. This is an episode for the ages, fitting for a movie universally panned as one of Marvel's worst installments. Hulk for life!
The Iron Man 2 episode of "The We're Not Scott And Cassie Lang (but we do have a father-daughter podcast about the MCU) Show" features Nate expressing his admiration for War Machine, while Lauren provides an update on Jeremy Renner. They also get into the soundtrack/score, as well as some of their favorite Easter eggs in the film. The plot is centered around Tony Stark's struggles with both his own personal demons and the external threats to his company and the world. Lauren and Nate also talk about their favorite characters and some of the cheesiest lines from the film, and also about how much they love Pepper Potts.
After a Christmas break, The We're Not Scott And Cassie Lang (but we do have a father-daughter podcast about the MCU) Show returns, and Lauren and Nate dig into Iron Man. Nate likes the explosions in this one, but Lauren does not like the sexism. The two delve into the various characters, soundtrack, critical reception, and the movie's influence on the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Lauren also shares an unfortunate incident involving actor Jeremy Renner. Tune in to hear what this father-daughter duo thinks about the first installment of the Iron Man trilogy!
On this episode of The We're Not Scott And Cassie Lang (but we do have a father-daughter podcast about the MCU) Show, Lauren and Nate dig into Captain Marvel. Nate is pumped because he was there for the 90s, and Lauren is too because this was her first in-theater MCU movie. They get into Captain Marvel as a character, the incredible score and soundtrack, and Lauren helps Nate understand the difference between Harrison Ford and Woodie Harrelson. Take a listen to see what this father-daughter combo thought about the first stand-alone female superhero of the MCU!
Lauren's Instagram: @laurenofwestview Lauren's TikTok: @littlemissscarletwitch
Hey MCU fans! Welcome to our new monthly (first Thursday) podcast where a Gen-Z girl (Lauren) and her Gen-X dad (Nate) review the entire MCU timeline.
Lauren is a pretty serious MCU fan, but she's converted her dad to MCU fandom as well. Each month, while Lauren is in college, we are going to talk about one movie each month. We are starting with Captain America: The First Avenger, and working ourselves all the way up to the most current installment of the MCU timeline. For each movie and each TV series, we will have one full recap and review, complete with some fun segments to keep it interesting. We love the MCU, so if you'd like to join us, we would love to have you watch the movies and shows along with us and then listen to us talk about them. Let's revisit all our favorite—and not so favorite—MCU movies and shows, because we never want to forget them. And thanks for listening!
For our first episode, we go all the way back to the beginning of the timeline and review Captain America: The First Avenger. We begin this show with a brief introduction on how the podcast came to be, followed by an update on the freshest news about the MCU. Then we get into a brief (and pretty terrible) recap of Captain America: The First Avenger, followed by a long discussion about the film. After discussing the post-credit scene, we shift and talk about our favorite character from the movie, followed by a little chat about the impact it had on the entire MCU. Finally, we each share our most cringe-worthy lines of the movie before concluding with a brief preview of next month's flick.
Lauren's Instagram: @laurenofwestview Lauren's TikTok: @littlemissscarletwitch