Tune in and learn about key issues that affect the veterinary profession in Illinois and, in turn, you and your practice! Dr. Sandra Faeh, President, AVMA, discusses how a bill passed in Colorado in November 2024 now allows the existence of a mid-level veterinary practitioner in clinics and hospitals in that state. It is a position that the AVMA, ISVMA and other veterinary-related organizations had opposed prior to a vote in Colorado. At this time, the creation of such a position is not bein...
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Tune in and learn about key issues that affect the veterinary profession in Illinois and, in turn, you and your practice! Dr. Sandra Faeh, President, AVMA, discusses how a bill passed in Colorado in November 2024 now allows the existence of a mid-level veterinary practitioner in clinics and hospitals in that state. It is a position that the AVMA, ISVMA and other veterinary-related organizations had opposed prior to a vote in Colorado. At this time, the creation of such a position is not bein...
Veterinary Today Podcast: How GFI 263 Impacts Veterinarians and the Public Beginning in June
Veterinary Today Podcast
18 minutes
1 year ago
Veterinary Today Podcast: How GFI 263 Impacts Veterinarians and the Public Beginning in June
The US Food and Drug Administration Guidance for Industry #263, or GFI 263, goes into effect nationally in the US in early June 2023. The new mandate changes the approved marketing status of certain antimicrobial drugs from over the counter to prescription status. Drugs that were commonly found on retail shelves and through online sources will no longer be available for purchase by the public and will only be accessible by veterinarian prescription. In this episode, Dr. Michael Costin, Assoc...
Veterinary Today Podcast
Tune in and learn about key issues that affect the veterinary profession in Illinois and, in turn, you and your practice! Dr. Sandra Faeh, President, AVMA, discusses how a bill passed in Colorado in November 2024 now allows the existence of a mid-level veterinary practitioner in clinics and hospitals in that state. It is a position that the AVMA, ISVMA and other veterinary-related organizations had opposed prior to a vote in Colorado. At this time, the creation of such a position is not bein...