If you have ever felt like you care too much, listen to this podcast hosted by Ashley Corbo. Throughout Ashley’s life, she has been criticized for being “too sensitive” or “too much.” In this show, Ashley shares all her thoughts and experiences with friendship breakups, bad relationships, navigating your 20s, quitting your job, following your dreams and more. Tune in every Monday for a quick therapy session with your new bestie.
Follow Ashley on Instagram and TikTok
Instagram: @ashleycorbo (https://www.instagram.com/ashleycorbo/) @tryingnottocarepodcast (https://www.instagram.com/tryingnottocarepodcast/)
TikTok: @ashleyccorbo (https://www.tiktok.com/@ashleyccorbo) @tryingnottocarepodcast (https://www.tiktok.com/@tryingnottocarepodcast)
All content for Trying Not to Care is the property of Ashley Corbo and is served directly from their servers
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If you have ever felt like you care too much, listen to this podcast hosted by Ashley Corbo. Throughout Ashley’s life, she has been criticized for being “too sensitive” or “too much.” In this show, Ashley shares all her thoughts and experiences with friendship breakups, bad relationships, navigating your 20s, quitting your job, following your dreams and more. Tune in every Monday for a quick therapy session with your new bestie.
Follow Ashley on Instagram and TikTok
Instagram: @ashleycorbo (https://www.instagram.com/ashleycorbo/) @tryingnottocarepodcast (https://www.instagram.com/tryingnottocarepodcast/)
TikTok: @ashleyccorbo (https://www.tiktok.com/@ashleyccorbo) @tryingnottocarepodcast (https://www.tiktok.com/@tryingnottocarepodcast)
Instead of worrying if someone likes you, ask yourself, “do I like them?” Are they kind? Are they funny? Are they honest? Do they meet your expectations? Do they respect your boundaries? Are they living up to your standards? No? THEN WHO CARES IF THEY DON’T LIKE YOU. YOU DON’T EVEN LIKE THEM!!!!!
Trying Not to Care is sponsored by Honeylove- Get an additional 20% off the @honeylove Holiday sale by going to honeylove.com/TNTC! #honeylovepod
Trying Not to Care is sponsored by BetterHelp - visit betterhelp.com/TNTC to get 10% off your first month
Instagram: Ashley's Instagram | Trying Not to Care Instagram
TikTok: Ashley's TikTok | Trying Not to Care TikTok
Youtube: Subscribe here
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Trying Not to Care
If you have ever felt like you care too much, listen to this podcast hosted by Ashley Corbo. Throughout Ashley’s life, she has been criticized for being “too sensitive” or “too much.” In this show, Ashley shares all her thoughts and experiences with friendship breakups, bad relationships, navigating your 20s, quitting your job, following your dreams and more. Tune in every Monday for a quick therapy session with your new bestie.
Follow Ashley on Instagram and TikTok
Instagram: @ashleycorbo (https://www.instagram.com/ashleycorbo/) @tryingnottocarepodcast (https://www.instagram.com/tryingnottocarepodcast/)
TikTok: @ashleyccorbo (https://www.tiktok.com/@ashleyccorbo) @tryingnottocarepodcast (https://www.tiktok.com/@tryingnottocarepodcast)