This week we release a member-exclusive episode for you all to see what you're missing on our Patreon. Every other week, we record an episode like this one discussing a piece of equipment, a tool, or a practice we use in diving and how we like to use it. This can be anything from the different kinds of BCDs to the various ways to launch a DSMB on a dive. We love the chance to discuss important topics about diving with you all and would love more of our listeners to get involved in the conversation. head over to our Patreon where for $1/month you not only get access to these episodes, but also to full length interview episodes and extended Fish Tales! These perks allow you to hear more from our amazing guests about their life and their thoughts on the world. It's always so hard to fit it all into an hour, and with Patreon, you can hear it all!
This week's trivia question is: What is your favorite way to launch a DSMB?
Head to our social media platforms or the comments section below this episode for a chance to win a Waterlust giftcard!
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