There's No Such Thing As A Dumb Question is a listener driven podcast answering listener provided dumb questions about science, technology, culture, health, music or anything at all. We all have an embarrassing or dumb question which we may be too afraid to ask. This podcast aims to follow the spider web of all questions to learn something new and hopefully answer your dumb question.
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There's No Such Thing As A Dumb Question is a listener driven podcast answering listener provided dumb questions about science, technology, culture, health, music or anything at all. We all have an embarrassing or dumb question which we may be too afraid to ask. This podcast aims to follow the spider web of all questions to learn something new and hopefully answer your dumb question.
0012 – How Many Fourth Graders Can You Take At Once?
There's No Such Thing As A Dumb Question
7 years ago
0012 – How Many Fourth Graders Can You Take At Once?
Shane, Dannie and Corderro answer a question from an unlikely source. How many 4th graders can you fight at once? Join them as they look at the science behind the bizarre question, which came from none other than Peter Griffin. They’ll show their love for Family Guy while putting the podcast’s name to the test.
There's No Such Thing As A Dumb Question
There's No Such Thing As A Dumb Question is a listener driven podcast answering listener provided dumb questions about science, technology, culture, health, music or anything at all. We all have an embarrassing or dumb question which we may be too afraid to ask. This podcast aims to follow the spider web of all questions to learn something new and hopefully answer your dumb question.