Home of the 'Animal Advocate Interviews' with UK Veterinary Surgeon Dr Judy Puddifoot MRCVS BVetMed MSc BSc and Guests
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Home of the 'Animal Advocate Interviews' with UK Veterinary Surgeon Dr Judy Puddifoot MRCVS BVetMed MSc BSc and Guests
Support us to continue to engage, entertain and educate: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/theunderdog
Welcome to this episode of The Underdog Vet Podcast!
In this episode’s Animal Advocate Interview, I spoke with Jemima Harrison, a TV producer, dog rescuer
and all-round animal welfare campaigner who also runs a small gundog rescue.
She’s probably best known for having produced the ground breaking investigative documentary Pedigree Dogs
It aired on BBC One back in 2008 and exposed a multitude of welfare issues within the pedigree dog
breeding and showing industries.
Jemima and I discussed the heart breaking issues raised in her documentary, whether she feels things have
improved since then and what her latest projects are.
Coefficient Of Inbreeding: Inbreeding is a measure of how closely related your dog’s parents were. The higher the inbreeding coefficient, the more closely related the parents. In general, higher inbreeding coefficients are associated with increased incidence of genetically inherited conditions, reduced fecundity, and reduced life span
IVDD: Intervertebral Disk Disease (https://vetspecialists.co.uk/fact-sheets-post/intervertebral-disc-herniation-or-slipped-disc-fact-sheet/)
DCM: Dilated Cardiomyopathy (https://vetspecialists.co.uk/fact-sheets-post/dilated-cardiomyopathy/)
F1/F2/F3 Cross: F1 crosses in animals can be between two inbred lines or between two closely related species or subspecies.
DM: Degenerative Myelopathy (https://veterinary-neurologist.co.uk/canine-degenerative-myelopathy/)
Pedigree Dogs Exposed: https://documentaryheaven.com/bbc-pedigree-dogs-exposed/
Pedigree Dogs Exposed Blog: http://pedigreedogsexposed.blogspot.com/
Coefficient Of Inbreeding information from BSAVA: https://www.bsava.com/position-statement/inherited-diseases-and-exaggerated-characteristics/
Brachycephalic Working Group: http://www.ukbwg.org.uk/
CRUFFA Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/cruffa/?locale=en_GB
Anti epilepsy Drug that can cause birth defects: https://www.england.nhs.uk/patient-safety/sodium-valproate/#:~:text=The%20risks%20of%20valproate%20during%20pregnancy&text=It%20can%20harm%20the%20baby,as%20the%20child%20grows%20up.
The Underdog Vet Podcast
Home of the 'Animal Advocate Interviews' with UK Veterinary Surgeon Dr Judy Puddifoot MRCVS BVetMed MSc BSc and Guests
Support us to continue to engage, entertain and educate: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/theunderdog