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Home of the 'Animal Advocate Interviews' with UK Veterinary Surgeon Dr Judy Puddifoot MRCVS BVetMed MSc BSc and Guests
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S2:E5 Bonus Segment - Dr Karen Perry discussing Cranial Cruciate Ligament Surgical Repair Techniques
The Underdog Vet Podcast
4 minutes 59 seconds
1 year ago
S2:E5 Bonus Segment - Dr Karen Perry discussing Cranial Cruciate Ligament Surgical Repair Techniques
This bit is probably only of interest to vets and vet nurses or those with a particular interest in cranial cruciate ligament surgery techniques.
There are a handful of different surgical techniques to repair a ruptured cruciate ligament, which is a pretty good indication that there's no one perfect method!
Each vet will choose which technique is best on a case by case basis. I asked Karen which was her favourite.
The Underdog Vet Podcast
Home of the 'Animal Advocate Interviews' with UK Veterinary Surgeon Dr Judy Puddifoot MRCVS BVetMed MSc BSc and Guests
Support us to continue to engage, entertain and educate: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/theunderdog