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Home of the 'Animal Advocate Interviews' with UK Veterinary Surgeon Dr Judy Puddifoot MRCVS BVetMed MSc BSc and Guests
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S1: E6 - Emma Milne BVSc FRCVS - Fundamental Animal Welfare Needs
The Underdog Vet Podcast
54 minutes 59 seconds
2 years ago
S1: E6 - Emma Milne BVSc FRCVS - Fundamental Animal Welfare Needs
Welcome to this episode of The Underdog Vet Podcast!
In this episode's Animal Advocate Interview, I chatted with my friend, fellow veterinary surgeon, passionate animal welfare campaigner and author Emma Milne!
Emma has been a familiar face in UK homes since the late 1990s when she appeared in the hugely popular BBC 1 programme ‘Vets in Practice’. Since then, Emma has used the platform her fame has provided to advocate, educate and campaign to improve the welfare of animals. She’s campaigned on many topics from hunting with dogs and tail docking to horse welfare, but her main driving force is pedigree animal health.
Emma and I discussed why it’s so important that pet owners know the fundamental welfare needs of their pets, how breeding pedigree dogs can sometimes have disastrous adverse effects on their welfare and why it’s so important for those of us in the veterinary profession to continue to raise our voices on inflammatory animal welfare issues, despite the backlash they may get for doing so.
In our chat Emma and I mentioned lots of areas that some people may not be familiar with so I've provided more info here:
Brachycephalic Obstructive Airway Syndrome (BOAS): https://vetspecialists.co.uk/fact-sheets-post/brachycephalic-upper-airway-obstruction-syndrome-fact-sheet/
Hip Scores: https://www.bva.co.uk/canine-health-schemes/hip-scheme/
Hip Dysplasia: https://vetspecialists.co.uk/fact-sheets-post/hip-dysplasia-fact-sheet/
Mitral Valve Disease in Cavalier King Charles Spaniels: https://vetspecialists.co.uk/fact-sheets-post/degenerative-valve-disease-mitral-valve-disease-fact-sheet/
Rabbit Dental Information: https://rabbitwelfare.co.uk/rabbit-health/illness/dental-problems/
Emma's Website: https://www.emmathevet.co.uk/
PDSA PAW Report: https://www.pdsa.org.uk/what-we-do/pdsa-animal-wellbeing-report
IFAW Website: https://www.ifaw.org/uk
Rabbit Welfare Association & Fund: https://rabbitwelfare.co.uk/
Puppy Contract: https://puppycontract.org.uk/
Leishmaniasis Fact Sheet: https://vetspecialists.co.uk/fact-sheets-post/leishmaniasis-fact-sheet/
International Cat Care Website: https://icatcare.org/
Scottish Fold Cat Welfare: https://www.ufaw.org.uk/cats/scottish-fold-osteochondrodysplasia
Dalmatian Dog Welfare: https://www.ufaw.org.uk/dogs/dalmatian-hyperuricosuria
The Underdog Vet Podcast
Home of the 'Animal Advocate Interviews' with UK Veterinary Surgeon Dr Judy Puddifoot MRCVS BVetMed MSc BSc and Guests
Support us to continue to engage, entertain and educate: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/theunderdog