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Home of the 'Animal Advocate Interviews' with UK Veterinary Surgeon Dr Judy Puddifoot MRCVS BVetMed MSc BSc and Guests
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S1: E4 - Hannah Capon MA Vet MB MRCVS - Canine Arthritis Management
The Underdog Vet Podcast
1 hour 2 minutes 52 seconds
2 years ago
S1: E4 - Hannah Capon MA Vet MB MRCVS - Canine Arthritis Management
Welcome to this episode of The Underdog Vet Podcast.
In this episode's Animal Advocate Interview I chatted with Hannah Capon MA Vet MB MRCVS, a veterinary surgeon & founder of Canine Arthritis Management or CAM.
CAM is an online education & support service for owners of arthritic dogs & the professionals who care for them. From simple beginnings as a Facebook page in 2015 where Hannah would promote earlier detection of arthritis in dogs and the use of a multimodal approach to care plans, today it is vital resource for owners and veterinary professionals alike.
Hannah and I chatted about what arthritis is, how prevalent it is amongst dogs and what both owners and vets can do to make arthritic dogs lives better. We also talked about the new wonder drug Librela™ that has revolutionised pain management for dogs with arthritis!
If you see any of the changes that Hannah and I talked about in your cat or dog then I think they'd really appreciate you getting your vet to take a look at them to see if they could perhaps have some arthritic pain. Hannah mentioned lost of things and used lots of terms in our chat that some listeners may not be familiar with, so I'll explain them here:
Hip and elbow dysplasia is when these joints don't form correctly in young animals or have suffered trauma for example through over exercising young puppies whilst their joints are forming. Find out more here: https://vetspecialists.co.uk/fact-sheets-post/elbow-dysplasia-fact-sheet/
Congruity means fitting well or well aligned joints. OA is shorthand for osteoarthritis. Vet Compass™ is 'The Veterinary Companion Animal Surveillance System' and it collects information from participating vet practices from around the UK and uses it to improve companion animal health. Find out more here: https://www.rvc.ac.uk/vetcompass/about/overview
Deleterious means a negative effect that would cause harm or damage.
Non-steroidal (anti inflammatory) are types of pain medication used in both human and veterinary medicine eg Metacam
BCS stands for Body Condition Score and is a system of measuring an animal's body health and assigns a number between 1-9, a bit like the BMI scale used in human medicine. A dog's ideal BCS is 4-5/9. Bioavailable describes how easily something can enter the body's circulation so it's able to have an active effect.
Multimodal approach means treating a condition using multiple treatment types. Proprioception is the perception or awareness of the position and movement of the body.
Canine Arthritis Management Website: https://caninearthritis.co.uk/
Canine Arthritis Management 'In Silence' video: https://youtu.be/O5_FeWt4T_I
Librela™ info for vets: https://www.zeropainphilosophy.com/post/ground-breaking-treatment-for-arthritis
Zero Pain Philosophy website (for vets): https://www.zeropainphilosophy.com/
Galen myotherapy (and other complementary therapies): https://caninearthritis.co.uk/managing-arthritis/complementary-therapies/
The Underdog Vet Podcast
Home of the 'Animal Advocate Interviews' with UK Veterinary Surgeon Dr Judy Puddifoot MRCVS BVetMed MSc BSc and Guests
Support us to continue to engage, entertain and educate: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/theunderdog