The Qualitative Applied Health Research Centre dives into current applications, innovations, and conundrums for all those interested in qualitative research, academics and non-academics alike.
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The Qualitative Applied Health Research Centre dives into current applications, innovations, and conundrums for all those interested in qualitative research, academics and non-academics alike.
Qualitative Open Mic: Ethics in Qualitative Research – Episode 6 - Nishita Nair on marginalised researchers’ ethical processes
The Qualitative Open Mic
33 minutes 49 seconds
1 year ago
Qualitative Open Mic: Ethics in Qualitative Research – Episode 6 - Nishita Nair on marginalised researchers’ ethical processes
In this episode, we explore Nishita’s research on whether social research ethics codes and institutional processes effectively aid researchers working with ethnic minority communities in the UK. Her study, involving semi-structured interviews with researchers from King’s College London and the UCL Institute of Education, seeks to uncover both the benefits and limitations of these codes and processes.
The Qualitative Open Mic
The Qualitative Applied Health Research Centre dives into current applications, innovations, and conundrums for all those interested in qualitative research, academics and non-academics alike.