The Qualitative Applied Health Research Centre dives into current applications, innovations, and conundrums for all those interested in qualitative research, academics and non-academics alike.
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The Qualitative Applied Health Research Centre dives into current applications, innovations, and conundrums for all those interested in qualitative research, academics and non-academics alike.
Making interpretations: Michael Larkin - Leaning into interpretation in IPA
The Qualitative Open Mic
28 minutes 34 seconds
1 year ago
Making interpretations: Michael Larkin - Leaning into interpretation in IPA
This episode reflects on the history and theory of Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis: where does its approach to meaning sit in relation to other qualitative methods and methodologies? How have new ways of collecting data and the expansion of creative methods changed IPA research? We go on to consider the insights IPA can bring to key questions actively being debated across qualitative research: the inclusion of lived experience perspectives, decolonisation, and open science.
The Qualitative Open Mic
The Qualitative Applied Health Research Centre dives into current applications, innovations, and conundrums for all those interested in qualitative research, academics and non-academics alike.