The Qualitative Applied Health Research Centre dives into current applications, innovations, and conundrums for all those interested in qualitative research, academics and non-academics alike.
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The Qualitative Applied Health Research Centre dives into current applications, innovations, and conundrums for all those interested in qualitative research, academics and non-academics alike.
Making interpretations: Joy Llewellyn-Beardsley on lived experience
The Qualitative Open Mic
32 minutes 58 seconds
10 months ago
Making interpretations: Joy Llewellyn-Beardsley on lived experience
This episode reflects on how lived experience can engender insights, support the interpretative process and enhance the trustworthiness of qualitative research. We consider the different kinds of experience that can enhance this process, the limits of individual lived experience, and what this means for researchers who don’t have personal experience of the phenomenon under study.
The Qualitative Open Mic
The Qualitative Applied Health Research Centre dives into current applications, innovations, and conundrums for all those interested in qualitative research, academics and non-academics alike.