The Qualitative Applied Health Research Centre dives into current applications, innovations, and conundrums for all those interested in qualitative research, academics and non-academics alike.
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The Qualitative Applied Health Research Centre dives into current applications, innovations, and conundrums for all those interested in qualitative research, academics and non-academics alike.
Making interpretations: Elaine Keane on Constructivist Grounded Theory
The Qualitative Open Mic
34 minutes 49 seconds
11 months ago
Making interpretations: Elaine Keane on Constructivist Grounded Theory
Constructivist grounded theory's origins lie in criticisms of classical grounded theory as overly objectivist and insufficiently reflexive when it comes to interpretive processes. Sohail and Elaine discuss this context before going on to unpack the whys and hows of interpretation in constructivist grounded theory, how researchers can make the vital leap from description of data to higher-level conceptualisation, plus the pitfalls to avoid along the way.
The Qualitative Open Mic
The Qualitative Applied Health Research Centre dives into current applications, innovations, and conundrums for all those interested in qualitative research, academics and non-academics alike.