A few things you might consider disadvantages that actually, in hindsight, could end up as something you're grateful for. Thanks to my friends at Eight Sleep. Check out eightsleep.com/morganhousel for more.
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A few things you might consider disadvantages that actually, in hindsight, could end up as something you're grateful for. Thanks to my friends at Eight Sleep. Check out eightsleep.com/morganhousel for more.
"Nature is not in a hurry, yet everything is accomplished,” said Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu.Giant sequoias, advanced organisms, towering mountains – it builds the most jaw-dropping features of the universe. And it does so silently, where growth is almost never visible right now but staggering over long periods of time.It’s quiet compounding, and it’s a wonder to see.I like the idea of quietly compounding your money. Just like in nature, it’s where you’ll find the most impressive results.
The Morgan Housel Podcast
A few things you might consider disadvantages that actually, in hindsight, could end up as something you're grateful for. Thanks to my friends at Eight Sleep. Check out eightsleep.com/morganhousel for more.