A few things you might consider disadvantages that actually, in hindsight, could end up as something you're grateful for. Thanks to my friends at Eight Sleep. Check out eightsleep.com/morganhousel for more.
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A few things you might consider disadvantages that actually, in hindsight, could end up as something you're grateful for. Thanks to my friends at Eight Sleep. Check out eightsleep.com/morganhousel for more.
Jeff Bezos once said there are different kinds of smart. Distinguishing the various flavors is important because if you think smarts comes in just one form, you’ll miss dozens of other nuanced varieties.BS is the same. It comes in countless forms, some harder to spot than others. False modesty, projecting, double standards, hypocrisy, tugging at heartstrings – these aren’t lies; they’re subtle forms of BS which is why they’re so prevalent.
The Morgan Housel Podcast
A few things you might consider disadvantages that actually, in hindsight, could end up as something you're grateful for. Thanks to my friends at Eight Sleep. Check out eightsleep.com/morganhousel for more.