In today’s episode we dissect the present day situation of a decades old plan and philosophy which seeks to undermine and control the the entirety of our global systems and populations. What is this insidious plan and the philosophy behind it? Technocracy.
Joining us today is the well known author Patrick Wood. Mr Wood is a leading and critical expert on Technocracy and its myriad of facets - Sustainable Development, the Green Economy, Agenda 21, Agenda 2030, and the historic origins of this movement.
An economist by education, a financial analyst and writer by profession and an American Constitutionalist by choice, Mr. Wood maintains a Biblical world view and has deep historical insights into the modern attacks on sovereignty, property rights and personal freedom.
Mr Wood is a leading expert on the elitist Trilateral Commission, their policies and achievements in creating their self-proclaimed “New International Economic Order” which is the essence of Sustainable Development on a global scale.
He is the author of several very interesting an informative books including most recently, “The Evil Twins of Technocracy and Transhumanism”, “Technocracy: The Hard Road to World Order”, and “Technocracy Rising: The Trojan Horse of Global Transformation”. He is also the co-author of “Trilaterals Over Washington”, Volumes I and II with the late Antony C. Sutton.
Wood is a frequent speaker and guest on podcasts and radio shows around the nation. His current research builds on Trilateral Commission hegemony, focusing on Technocracy, Transhumanism, Scientism, AI and how these are transforming global economics, politics and religion.
For those of you who may have missed Patrick’s first appearance on the show, please make sure you take some time to listen to Episode #64. That is a critical episode to fully understand and appreciate what humanity is up against.
To learn more about Patrick Wood's work please visit:
Elon Musk's address to the World Governments Summit:
This is the Omniwar Symposium video mentioned in the episode: