We talk about the Aramaic teachings of Jeshua and A Course In Miracles.
Discover the simple description of forgiveness and the very down to earth approach to alighning with our natural state of love.
We talk about the Aramaic teachings of Jeshua and A Course In Miracles.
Discover the simple description of forgiveness and the very down to earth approach to alighning with our natural state of love.
The redefinition of Forgiveness is an essential part of the process! Distinguishing the act of pardoning, letting another "off the hook," from actual Forgiveness is urgent to understand. In the Aramaic tradition, the word "Forgive " translates to shabag, meaning "to cancel." Rather than "forgiving" others for their actions, True Forgiveness is an internal process of canceling the goals that drive and sustain perceptions based in unresolved emotional energetic patterns.