Spiritual teachers share their insights. The practical application of A Course In Miracles. Stories, poems, songs, experiential evidence, meditations and interviews. Interdisciplinary conversations, Anthropology, Education and more. Any opinions shared by guests are theirs.
Follow your own discernment in everything!
Die praktische Anwendung von Ein Kurs In Wundern, Geschichten, Gedichte, Lieder, Erkenntnisse aus Erfahrung, Meditationen und Gespräche. Interdisziplinäre Gespräche, Anthropologie, Erziehung und mehr.
Meinungen von Gästen sind ihre.
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All content for The Holy Spirit’s Curriculum Of Joy is the property of Wanako and is served directly from their servers
with no modification, redirects, or rehosting. The podcast is not affiliated with or endorsed by Podjoint in any way.
Spiritual teachers share their insights. The practical application of A Course In Miracles. Stories, poems, songs, experiential evidence, meditations and interviews. Interdisciplinary conversations, Anthropology, Education and more. Any opinions shared by guests are theirs.
Follow your own discernment in everything!
Die praktische Anwendung von Ein Kurs In Wundern, Geschichten, Gedichte, Lieder, Erkenntnisse aus Erfahrung, Meditationen und Gespräche. Interdisziplinäre Gespräche, Anthropologie, Erziehung und mehr.
Meinungen von Gästen sind ihre.
Folgen Sie Ihrer eigenen Unterscheidung in Allem!
MaryBeth Scalice is a fisherwoman of truth who hooked the big One, Who pulled her in, submerged her heart in love, and taught her to swim in two unified bodies; one in this world, as a writer, counselor, President of a Foundation of Open Hearts. The other as bride of Jess, (Jesus), the Loving Consciousness and living expression of the poetic breath of Reality. Above and below she follows the current of Christ. She has scribed, Write, Beloved, Write, The Living Breathing Poetry of God, available at http://store.bookbaby.com/ Glimpse more writings at www.foundationofopenhearts.com
If you want to connect with MaryBeth her email address is mbopenheart@aol.com
The Holy Spirit’s Curriculum Of Joy
Spiritual teachers share their insights. The practical application of A Course In Miracles. Stories, poems, songs, experiential evidence, meditations and interviews. Interdisciplinary conversations, Anthropology, Education and more. Any opinions shared by guests are theirs.
Follow your own discernment in everything!
Die praktische Anwendung von Ein Kurs In Wundern, Geschichten, Gedichte, Lieder, Erkenntnisse aus Erfahrung, Meditationen und Gespräche. Interdisziplinäre Gespräche, Anthropologie, Erziehung und mehr.
Meinungen von Gästen sind ihre.
Folgen Sie Ihrer eigenen Unterscheidung in Allem!