From the creators of the Spatial Analytics + Data interview and seminar series, we bring you the GLaD Podcast—Geography, Life + Data. A little geography, a little (academic) life, a little ”geography life”, and LOTS about data, mostly spatial. Join your hosts, Dani Arribas-Bel, Rachel Franklin, and Levi Wolf for conversations, interviews, and even a few hot takes.
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From the creators of the Spatial Analytics + Data interview and seminar series, we bring you the GLaD Podcast—Geography, Life + Data. A little geography, a little (academic) life, a little ”geography life”, and LOTS about data, mostly spatial. Join your hosts, Dani Arribas-Bel, Rachel Franklin, and Levi Wolf for conversations, interviews, and even a few hot takes.
Episode 10: A Day in the Life of... James Cheshire
The GLaD Podcast
46 minutes 13 seconds
1 year ago
Episode 10: A Day in the Life of... James Cheshire
Today, we’re trialing a new episode format: “a day in the life of…”, where we’ll be interviewing GLaD folks to get the scoop and the behind-the-scenes view on what it is like to live their life. Join us for a walk on the life of James Cheshire.
The GLaD Podcast
From the creators of the Spatial Analytics + Data interview and seminar series, we bring you the GLaD Podcast—Geography, Life + Data. A little geography, a little (academic) life, a little ”geography life”, and LOTS about data, mostly spatial. Join your hosts, Dani Arribas-Bel, Rachel Franklin, and Levi Wolf for conversations, interviews, and even a few hot takes.