In this episode of The Decision Corner, Brooke speaks with Jean-Nicolas Reyt, Assistant Professor of Organizational Behaviour at McGill University in the Desautels Faculty of Management. Jean-Nicolas’ research focuses on the meaning employees attach to their work and workplaces. In their discussion, Brooke and Jean-Nicolas discuss the rationale for a shift from Scientific Method approaches to management, in the context of increased remote working driven by the pandemic, as well as a greater demand for work flexibility from high-value employees. Some of the topics discussed include:
- Organizations’ reliance on management models developed for factory, conveyor-belt workers, and why these don’t serve advanced Western economies.
- The need for more accurate measures of performance, based on output rather than impression management.
- Strategies that managers can implement to build trust and confidence in their teams.
- The role of leadership in establishing a common sense of meaning and purpose.
- How organisational culture helps bridge the physical and motivational gap between individuals and the collective.