In this episode of The Decision Corner Podcast, Brooke is joined by Talya Miron-Shatz: researcher, consultant, and author of her upcoming book, Your Life Depends On It: What You Can Do To Make Better Choices About Your Health. Miron-Shatz’s expertise lies within the realm of medical decision-making, particularly around improving patient decision-making outcomes. This conversation details how the shift in access to medical information has changed the physician-patient relationship, along with practical solutions that can be implemented into our everyday lives to improve our health decision-making. Some of the topics discussed include:
- How the physician-patient relationship is changing
- The confirmation bias and how it affects our health choices
- The importance of considering alternatives in decision-making
- The impact of mental resource depletion on decision-making
- The impact of decisions on both doctors and patients
- Practical solutions that we can implement to improve our health decision-making