If shipping by Amazon, UPS, or FedX
Pastor Tim Clark
Bethel Wesleyan Church
901 Tracy Grove Rd
Flat Rock NC 28731
If shipping by USPS
P.O Box 268
Dana NC 28724
Bethel Wesleyan Church
Pastor Tim Clark
1 (828) 489-1714
Donation information
Helping Hands for a family Central Global Methodist Church
300 S Main St
Asheboro NC 27203
Main office - 336-629-1425
Operation Mountain Relief
Midway Wesleyan Church
331 Worthville Rd
Randleman NC 27317
Pastor Kenneth Davis
Project Santa
P.O. Box 175
Denton NC 27239
Physical location:
First Baptist Church
383 W Salisbury St
Denton NC 27239
Bud McCall
Wayne Allred
"Amazon Gift Registry"
1. "Find a Registry"
2. "Registrant's Name" Bethel Wesleyan Church c/o Pastor Tim (Donor only needs to type the church's name)
3. "Select an Occasion" Gift List
5. Search results are at the bottom. Click on the church.
6. Donors will be directed to the Needs List.
7. When they check out, the donor will need to check the shipping address. Change it from their personal address to Bethel Wesleyan Church so the items can go directly to Pastor Tim.