Lively discussion of any topic you can imagine informed by the work of Aristotle. In most issues, I try to focus on how his thought might cohere with or relate to Darwinian evolution. I think that there is a fundamental agreement and that this podcast is the best way to explain this. For more on this look at my blog "Zoon Echon Blogon"" at "".
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Lively discussion of any topic you can imagine informed by the work of Aristotle. In most issues, I try to focus on how his thought might cohere with or relate to Darwinian evolution. I think that there is a fundamental agreement and that this podcast is the best way to explain this. For more on this look at my blog "Zoon Echon Blogon"" at "".
What is Deliberation? - Nicomachean Ethics III.2-3
The Aristotle Project
37 minutes 32 seconds
4 years ago
What is Deliberation? - Nicomachean Ethics III.2-3
In these chapters, Aristotle discusses what sort of thinking goes into a moral decision. Socrates and other thinkers have claimed that science and morality are fundamentally the same sort of reasoning, but Aristotle differs. Even though deliberation does use universal principles, these are of a different sort from those of theoretical science. This is very useful for keeping in mind just what sorts of moral factors go into a decision and how moral praise and blame differ from the intellectual.
The Aristotle Project
Lively discussion of any topic you can imagine informed by the work of Aristotle. In most issues, I try to focus on how his thought might cohere with or relate to Darwinian evolution. I think that there is a fundamental agreement and that this podcast is the best way to explain this. For more on this look at my blog "Zoon Echon Blogon"" at "".