Further reading:
Mouse filmed moving items in man’s shed in Bristol
The pack rat:
Show transcript:
Welcome to Strange Animals Podcast. I’m your host, Kate Shaw.
This week I’m sharing a Patreon episode from last year because I have surgery scheduled. Don’t worry, it’s minor thyroid surgery and I’ll be fine, but my doctor said that a side effect might be hoarseness while I recover. Rather than risk sounding like an old frog, and to allow myself lots of time to rest afterwards, I’ve scheduled Patreon episodes for this week and next week.
At the beginning of this year, in early January 2024, you may have heard about a man in Wales who had an interesting visitor to his work shed. Rodney Holbrook is 75 years old and a retired postal worker, and at the end of 2023 he started noticing something weird. Things in his work shed kept being moved, and not in a way that suggested another person was getting in.
Initially Rodney noticed that some bird food had been moved into an old pair of shoes. This wasn’t just a one-time thing that would suggest an accident, like maybe Rodney had absent-mindedly decided to store the bird food in his shoes, or maybe it just fell there. The bird food kept ending up in the shoes.
Other things kept getting moved too. Small items that Rodney had left out while making and repairing things at his work bench kept getting put into a box, like tools and nuts and bolts. It happened almost every night.
Fortunately, Rodney is also a wildlife photographer, and he just happened to have a night vision camera. He set it up in the shed to find out what on earth was going on.
A mouse was going on, that’s what was going on. This actually wasn’t a huge surprise to Rodney, because years before, in 2019, a friend of his had had the same thing happen.
His friend was Steve Mckears who lived near Bristol, England. Steve kept crushed peanuts in a tub to use as bird food, but he started to notice other things mixed in with the peanuts. First it was just one screw, then it was lots more things that he’d left around his shed. He couldn’t figure out a solution, because he always locked his shed at night.
As Steve said at the time, “I was worried. I’m 72 and you hear of things going wrong with 72-year-old gentlemen in the mind.” Fortunately, Steve’s friend Rodney set up a camera and proved that there was nothing wrong with Steve’s mind or with the shed’s lock. It was just a mouse who was tidying up.
The question is why are these mice tidying up someone else’s shed? Don’t the mice have sheds of their own to clean up? It’s probable that the mice are actually living in the sheds and are wondering why some humans keep barging in every day and making a mess.
Rodents of all kinds do tend to tidy up as part of the foraging and nesting process. Sometimes that means moving debris so the animal can find important items more easily, sometimes it means bringing items back to its nest. House mice and rats will steal small items from humans to make nests, like socks and facecloths. Some rodents are attracted to shiny things and will stash them away or even bury them.
One animal, the pack rat, is so famous for storing items that we call a person who likes to collect things a pack rat. The pack rat lives throughout much of North and Central America and is related to mice and rats. It’s bigger than a mouse but smaller than most rats, and some species have furry tails like ground squirrels. It builds a den out of whatever materials are available where it lives, and its den is complex and usually well hidden. Desert species like to build under a cactus, while others live in cliffs or among rocks, in abandoned buildings or sometimes non-abandoned buil...