This was recorded on a cold and sunny morning beside Medicine Lake in Modoc National Forest, Siskiyou County, California. I made this recording at the same time the previous episode was recording, about 250 meters away.
I used the binaural recording technique for this, in which a microphone is worn on each ear in order to capture sound as closely as possible to the way we naturally hear. I strongly recommend using headphones for the best listening experience.
The air was absolutely still and the sunshine was pleasantly warm on the otherwise cold morning. I put on my binaural microphones and sat on the sandy shore at the very edge of the lake. The sunlight caused its frozen surface to expand, causing cracks and producing an abundance of otherworldly sounds.
I find it very difficult to sit silently while wearing binaural microphones, as they pick up the sound of the slightest movements, breathing, and even stomach rumbles. Breathing silently is not as easy as it sounds, especially when not acclimated to the elevation the lake sits at, which is about 6,800 feet or 2,070 meters. Though I tried hard, you may hear a faint breath here and there. This was as long as I could go before I had to shift my sitting position, clear my throat, and take a few normal breaths. That said, I thought this recording was worth sharing. I hope you like it!