Everybody wants to Win – it’s how we define success in life. Michelle Nagel explores resilience, teaches you how to hack into happiness, and provides expert tools for building positive relationships, all of which are essential for feeling like you’re winning at the game of life. Bestselling author Michelle brings her expertise as America’s #1 Resilience Expert along with other expert guests that share the tips and tricks they have learned to help them overcome the obstacles to happiness in their life, and how they embrace ROAR to Win!
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Everybody wants to Win – it’s how we define success in life. Michelle Nagel explores resilience, teaches you how to hack into happiness, and provides expert tools for building positive relationships, all of which are essential for feeling like you’re winning at the game of life. Bestselling author Michelle brings her expertise as America’s #1 Resilience Expert along with other expert guests that share the tips and tricks they have learned to help them overcome the obstacles to happiness in their life, and how they embrace ROAR to Win!
With a background in financial and strategic marketing, Ginny Townsend has spentover a decade helping organizations of all shapes and sizes draw out their unique gold,allowing them to connect quickly with their ideal clients.Ginny now works with entrepreneurs and business owners to fully develop acompelling signature offer that speaks their clients’ language, then helps them craft astrategic webinar based on that offer. She also specializes in filling the virtual roomonce their webinar is complete.In addition to serving business owners and entrepreneurs as a Strategy and GrowthConsultant, Ginny is also an Advisory Board Member for a legal-tech startup that alsoserves growing businesses, LegaLucy .Her vision is “All Entrepreneurs Living Bigger Lives.” Helping others see their potential(and how to get there) is a common thread found in her more recent career. So, simplebut powerful frameworks like UpLEVEL Together, #BusinessClass, UnSabotage, andher Business Consulting are a natural extension of her heart, wisdom, and talents.Free gift:www.fillthevirtualroom.com - the Ultimate “Fill Your Virtual Room” Checklist•For those planning to host a webinar and want to make sure people show up to the party
ROAR to Win!
Everybody wants to Win – it’s how we define success in life. Michelle Nagel explores resilience, teaches you how to hack into happiness, and provides expert tools for building positive relationships, all of which are essential for feeling like you’re winning at the game of life. Bestselling author Michelle brings her expertise as America’s #1 Resilience Expert along with other expert guests that share the tips and tricks they have learned to help them overcome the obstacles to happiness in their life, and how they embrace ROAR to Win!