The Project Medtech podcast is interview-style podcast on the Medtech Industry where guests share stories, advice, pitfalls, trends and innovations produced by Project Medtech.
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The Project Medtech podcast is interview-style podcast on the Medtech Industry where guests share stories, advice, pitfalls, trends and innovations produced by Project Medtech.
Episode 196 | Dylan Horvath, Founder & CEO at Cortex Design | Innovations vs. Features: Tips for Designing your Product
Project Medtech
50 minutes 16 seconds
5 months ago
Episode 196 | Dylan Horvath, Founder & CEO at Cortex Design | Innovations vs. Features: Tips for Designing your Product
In this episode, Dylan Horvath at Cortex Design and Duane Mancini discusses how he founded his company, features vs. innovations, lessons learned, common mistakes, and so much more.
The Project Medtech podcast is interview-style podcast on the Medtech Industry where guests share stories, advice, pitfalls, trends and innovations produced by Project Medtech.