Ian Grosz and Station House Media Unit
6 episodes
2 days ago
A Podcast about Nature and Nature Writers. In each episode writer and researcher Ian Grosz talks with a different writer from the Paperboats collective - a group of writers working across Scotland and beyond to highlight the impacts of climate change, the ecological collapse we are witness to, and the things we can do to bring about positive change. If you're concerned about climate change, want to delve further into the issues surrounding it, and like great writing, follow and subscribe to the Paperboats podcast to hear from a host of fantastic Nature Writers.
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All content for Paperboats is the property of Ian Grosz and Station House Media Unit and is served directly from their servers with no modification, redirects, or rehosting. The podcast is not affiliated with or endorsed by Podjoint in any way.
A Podcast about Nature and Nature Writers. In each episode writer and researcher Ian Grosz talks with a different writer from the Paperboats collective - a group of writers working across Scotland and beyond to highlight the impacts of climate change, the ecological collapse we are witness to, and the things we can do to bring about positive change. If you're concerned about climate change, want to delve further into the issues surrounding it, and like great writing, follow and subscribe to the Paperboats podcast to hear from a host of fantastic Nature Writers.
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The Flow Country, with Linda Cracknell
30 minutes 38 seconds
4 months ago
The Flow Country, with Linda Cracknell

Host Ian Grosz talks with author Linda Cracknell about Scotland’s Flow Country, her book Doubling Back, and how important walking is to her writing practice.


Linda reads an extract from the new edition of Doubling Back, published by Saraband in May 2024, highlighting how important the peatbogs of Caithness are in alleviating the impacts of climate change, and how vulnerable they have been to commercial forestry practices and land misuse. She describes her time spent in the Flow Country in writing the new chapter of her book, her life-long relationship with walking, and the importance of landscape and place to her work. 


If you’re concerned about climate change, want to delve further into the issues surrounding it, and like great writing, follow and subscribe to the Paperboats podcast to hear from a host of fantastic Nature Writers. 

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