Brenni Larson reads Part 3 - Stepping Toward You New Destiny from the book Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself, by Dr. Joe Dispenza.
In this chapter, you learn how to turn small steps into one easy habit. This is week 1 of 4 walking you through how to prepare your meditation space, and 2 approaches to meditation.
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In this podcast, simply put, is to provide pertinent information about the brain so that when you,as it's operator, begin to use the meditative process to change your life, you will know what needs to happen in your brain and in your meditations, and why.
Read by Angeline Mitchell. This chapter really hit home with me. Enjoy!
Read by Christina Castaneda of The Savvy Creative
Join us weekly for a live discussion of the book chapters:
Kia Baker, host of The Female Veterans Podcast reads chapter one of "Breaking The Habit Of Being Yourself" by Dr. Joe Dispenza
Join us for a live discussion on Fridays on our Facebook page here:
Brenni Larson, host of A World of Energy Podcast introduces us to this amazing book by reading the introduction and forward. Join us Fridays to discuss each chapter on our facebook page here: