Dr. Lisa Ooi is the Senior Vice President of Strategy at Hummingbird Bioscience, a leading biotech company in Singapore focused on antibody therapeutics. In this episode, Dr. Ooi discusses her journey from her PhD at Stanford to her current role, highlighting her experience in biomedical research and corporate strategy. She delves into Hummingbird Bioscience's innovative platform for developing antibody-based therapies, sharing insights on the company's strategic direction, the challenges of drug development, and the potential impact of their work on cancer treatment and beyond. Dr. Ooi also explores the reasons behind Hummingbird Bioscience's success in attracting investment and the unique advantages of being based in Singapore.
Host: Jessie Wong Editors: Jessie Wong, John Joson Ng
The show notes and transcripts for the episode can be found on nucleatesingapore.substack.com. For feedback or recommendations on who we should talk to next, please reach out to Joson Ng via johnjoson.n@nucleate.org.
01:00 - Introduction 10:06 - Establishing Hummingbird Bioscience in Singapore 14:22 - Innovative Antibody and ADC Development Strategy 23:37 - Revolutionizing Cancer Treatment with Dual Payload ADCs 28:56 - Hummingbird Bioscience's Role in Singapore's Biotech Ecosystem