New Species
New Species Podcast
92 episodes
4 days ago
Just a fraction of the species on our planet are known to science, but more are described and published every day. This podcast talks to the authors of these new species to get the behind-the-scenes stories of how new species are found and named, as well as why these discoveries should matter to everyone, not just scientists. Join us on our journey to better understand the wonderful biodiversity of our planet! Be sure to follow New Species on Twitter (@PodcastSpecies), and support the podcast at
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Just a fraction of the species on our planet are known to science, but more are described and published every day. This podcast talks to the authors of these new species to get the behind-the-scenes stories of how new species are found and named, as well as why these discoveries should matter to everyone, not just scientists. Join us on our journey to better understand the wonderful biodiversity of our planet! Be sure to follow New Species on Twitter (@PodcastSpecies), and support the podcast at
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Tautonyms and Etymology with Mike Stephan
New Species
49 minutes 52 seconds
11 months ago
Tautonyms and Etymology with Mike Stephan

Mike Stephan is a lawyer obsessed with scientific etymology, specifically tautonyms, binomial names in which the generic name and species name are exactly the same. Scientific naming conventions and customs have a rich history, and as Mike says, “[taxonomic names] in some perhaps unintended way tell the greater story of human anthropology and history.” Come along for the ride as we discuss etymologies of all shapes, sizes, and redundancies and learn a little about people along the way. 

Order Mike’s book:

Read Mike’s recent paper proposing that botany allow tautonyms:

A transcript of this episode can be found here: Mike Stephan - Transcript

Interview with Stefano Mammola about spider names:

Interview with Alireza Zamani about a new species named after Brian:

Follow Mike on Instagram (and submit your draw-tonym): @Tautonyms 

Episode image courtesy of Mike Stephan

Be sure to follow New Species on Twitter (@PodcastSpecies) and Instagram (@NewSpeciesPodcast) and like the podcast page on Facebook (

Music in this podcast is "No More (Instrumental)," by HaTom (

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