Skinks are one of the most diverse families of lizards, and Ishan Agarwal studies skinks in India, one of the most biodiverse countries in the world. From the forest to the lab to the museum, Ishan shares his experiences investigating a group of cryptic skinks that had quite a few surprises to share, including biology and behavior. What is it about skinks that makes them so captivating? How and why do scientists designate neotypes? Why is a slingshot part of a skink-catching field kit? Find out in this episode of the New Species Podcast.
Read Ishan’s paper here:
A transcript of this episode can be found here: Ishan Agarwal - Transcript
New Genus: Dravidoseps
New Species: Dravidoseps gingeeensis, Dravidoseps jawadhuensis, Dravidoseps kalakadensis, Dravidoseps srivilliputhurensis, and Dravidoseps tamilnaduensis.
Episode image courtesy of Ishan Agarwal
Follow Ishan on Instagram: @Geckoella
Dropbox link to Ishan's papers:
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Music in this podcast is "No More (Instrumental)," by HaTom (
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